Besides the ear, there is a beep from the instrument from time to time.

   Ye Mingmei fell asleep quietly, her delicate little face, pale.

  Long eyelashes, covering the eyelids.

  No trace of blood can be seen on the lips.

  He hates weak women, and looking at Ye Mingmei at the moment, his heart throbs unconsciously.

  Yun Xiuzhun was about to reach out and touch her face when the ward was pushed aside.

  Doctor respectfully walked up to Yu Xiuzhun.

   "Yu Shao, the results of the examination have come out." The doctor glanced at Yu Xiu Zhun, and he stopped talking.

   "Say." Yu Xiuzhun lowered his voice, the sharp aura on his body was still scary.

  The doctor bowed her head in a hurry, “Miss Ye has been pregnant for more than a month, but because of poor sleep and too much stress, she has symptoms of threatened abortion.”

"……what did you say?"

  Yun Xiuquan's body shook, and an inexplicable throbbing pierced through the limbs and skeletons in an instant.

   His eyes widened in shock, staring at the doctor, "You say it again, what's wrong with her?"

   "Ye and Miss Ye are pregnant."


  Yun Xiu's eyes tightened, and the whole person leaned against the bed, his thin lips moved slightly, muttering to himself.

   Repeated those words repeatedly, as if not understanding.

  Waiting for him to recover, he stepped forward a few steps, jerked the doctor by the collar, and lifted the person up.

  "I want this child! Find a way to hug this child! If my child has a little accident, I will let you bury it!"

   "Yes, yes, I will try my best, the child is fine now..."

  The doctor looked at Shang Yuxiu's quasi-cannibalistic eyes, nervous and incoherent.


  Yun Xiu let go and threw the person out.

   "It's good, but can you bleed inexplicably?"

   "Yu Shao calm down your anger! Miss Ye's situation is due to too much stress, insomnia, anxiety, and the fetus is less than three months old. She mainly depends on the mother's nutrition for survival. The mother's state will directly affect the child."

  The doctor hurriedly got up and leaned over respectfully, “Ms. Ye’s condition is not serious. As long as you pay attention to bed rest these days, the bleeding will get better, and then you won’t have any big problems with supplementary food.”

  "Don't hurry up to make arrangements!" Yu Xiuzhun's face sank.

   "Yes, Yu Shao."

  The doctor spit out a long spit and stepped back cautiously.

   "Wait a minute!"

  Yun's quasi-improving eyes flashed, and her lips suddenly opened, "I don’t want anyone to know about her pregnancy for now."

"Yu Shao meant that even Miss Ye..." The doctor said halfway, he was stared at by Yu Xiuzun, "I understand, I understand, I will explain it immediately, and there will never be a word. Leak out."

  After repeated assurances, the doctor walked out of the ward.

  Quiet in the ward for an instant.

  Yun Xiu stood stiffly for a long time, then slowly turned around and walked to Ye Mingmei's side.

   Looking down at her peaceful sleeping face, his eyes moved to her belly unconsciously.

  The quilt is lightly covered on it, and no curvature can be seen.

  There, there are his children.

  Yun Xiu Zhan's hand slowly raised, and the moment she touched her belly, her fingertips were numb.

  Clearly knowing that the fetus is just over a month old, he will not respond to him. He still feels that he has touched something.

   Wordless throbbing, flowing through the body along the bloodline.

She is pregnant.

  He has a baby.

  He is a child who is correct!

  The evil eyes burst out with joy, and they couldn't hide it.

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