Tip to the balcony and call the villa with your mobile phone.

   Explained a lot of things in one breath, and then hung up the phone.

  Standing outside and blowing for a while, then restrained the joy in his heart.

  As soon as he calmed down, his eyes instantly became cold.

  Ye Mingmei hates him for being so boned. If she knows that she is pregnant, will she leave this child in peace?


  A low babble came from the room.

  Yu's eyebrows moved, and he walked in quickly.

   Ye Mingmei moved her body, her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up.

  Yun Xiuzhun walked to her and stroked her cheek with distress.

   lowered his head and kissed her lips.

  At the same time, Ye Mingmei opened her eyes.

  With ignorant eyes, he immediately became angry when he saw the person in front of him clearly.

   "Wake up? This is the hospital. Do you feel any uncomfortable?" Yu Xiu quasi-backed, without stimulating Ye Mingmei, he spoke softly.

  A pair of deep evil eyes, fixedly staring at her face.

   silently asked that question hundreds of times.

  The final answer is the same.

  She won’t.

  She would never give birth to him.


  Why did she come to the hospital?

   Ye Mingmei was sluggish for a few seconds before she wanted to get up subconsciously.

When    moved, the pain on her body was obvious.

  She was stunned for a moment, and pressed her hand on her belly.

  Looks at Yu Xiuzun with a stunned look.

"You have a slight bruise on the side of the waist. You have been given the medicine. You will faint because of too much pressure, lack of sleep, and your relatives are here." Brigadier General Yu Xiu had prepared a speech a long time ago. Said it again without falling off.

  The doctor said that Ye Mingmei will still have slight bleeding in the past few days. Otherwise, she will easily detect something wrong.


   Ye Mingmei was stunned. After a few seconds, she realized what Yu Xiu Zhun was referring to, and her face suddenly blushed.

  Her elder aunt has never been on time, but after careful calculation, this month seems to have been delayed for a long time.

  I didn't expect to come at this embarrassing time.

   "Don't worry, it's a female nurse in the hospital who will handle you." Yu Xiu knew what she would mind, so he explained before Ye Mingmei asked.


  He was so considerate that Ye Mingmei was so angry that she couldn't send it out.

  Just as she was about to sit up, Yu Xiuzun pressed her shoulders.

   "Your current physical condition, you still can't get up, you have to rest in bed." Yu Xiuzhun's palms tightened, with tension that Ye Mingmei couldn't understand.

   "My own body, I know it myself, don't worry about it!" Ye Mingmei pushed away his hand, stubbornly trying to get up.

  The next second, he was directly pressed onto the bed by Yu Xiuzhun.

   "Yun Xiuzhun, what are you crazy!" Ye Mingmei was annoyed, looking at the man who just kept her from getting up, wishing to bite him!

"Yes, I'm crazy to care about your life and life, what about you? Where are you going normally? In order to be angry with me, even your own body is ignored, Ye Mingmei, do you think I will feel distressed if I toss myself to death? I tell you, people like me have no heart at all, and don't know what distress is, so save it!"


   Ye Mingmei was stunned by his sudden anger, blinked her eyes dumbly, and looked at him.

   "Who told you that I was taking my body to anger you? I just want to go to the bathroom."


   "Yu Shao, do you think too much?"

  Ye Mingmei’s beautiful eyes flowed in mockery, looking at Yu Xiuzun’s instant stiff body, there was a smile in her eyes.

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