"Are you worried about me?" Yu Xiuzhun put down his phone and raised his eyebrows to look at her.

  Supporting his head with one hand, I don’t know what I am thinking.

  Deep eyes, with light that Ye Mingmei could not understand.

   "No, I think this is good. If you spend your time on other things, you won't have time to do things that hurt the nature and reason." Ye Ming answered without thinking.

   Fearing that Yu Xiu Zhun would beat her, he blocked the pillow in front of her, and smiled to relieve the tension.


  It hurts the truth.

  What he did, in her eyes can only draw these four words?

  Yu's quasi-impaired eyes flickered slightly, passing a touch of complexity.

   "It's getting late, you rest early, and I will send you back tomorrow." Yu Xiuzhun stood up, stepped forward, and prepared to hug her.

   "I have my own feet and I can walk by myself."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Brigadier Yu Xiu slapped the person horizontally, walked towards the hospital bed in strides, put her on, pulled the quilt, and gently covered her.

   kissed her on the forehead, "Good night, good dreams."


  All things related to you are nightmares.

   Ye Mingmei silently swallowed this sentence back, and looked at the back of Yu Xiuzun's departure before she settled down to sleep.


  Late night, doctor's duty room.

  Yu Xiu's tall body leaned on the chair, pressed the edge of the table with one hand, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the doctor sitting opposite with expressionlessly.

   "The result of the inspection came out?"

  "Yes, Yu Shao can rest assured that Ms. Ye's situation has stabilized. As long as there is no strenuous exercise in the following time, the body and mind remain relaxed and happy, there will be no problems."

  The doctor helped the glasses on the bridge of the nose and said nervously.

  "The medicines that need to be taken need to be replaced with Chinese medicine ingredients. The names of the medicinal materials written on the bag are all written in accordance with the formula that needs to be adjusted during the menstrual period. Even if someone sees it, they will not be suspicious."

   "Get everything you need to prepare, and send it to the ward tomorrow, and you will give it to her yourself." After Yu Xiuzhun finished speaking, he stood up and left the duty room.

  Standing in the corridor of the hospital for a while, instead of returning to Ye Mingmei’s ward, she stepped out of the hospital.

  Sitting in the car, he smoked a cigarette and lit it slowly.

   took a breath, exhaled a faint smoke, wrapped around the handsome face.

   Ye Mingmei's words kept echoing in her ears.

  He knows what she cares about the most, but Yu's foundation is based on the black one step by step. It is so easy to stop.

  It was his hands, and he didn't know how many people's blood had been stained to get to where he is today.

  Now I want to cleanse and get away completely. The first person to die is him.

  Yun Xiuquan narrowed his eyes slightly, handed the cigarette to his lips, took a strong breath, and leaned against the car mat.

  Ye Mingmei’s delicate little face and wicked corners of his mouth flicked past her eyes, with a self-deprecating smile.

  He never thought that one day he would want to be a woman, and he would have a clear mind.

  Before Ye Mingmei, he had many women.

   On a whim, I like excitement...

  There are any reasons.

  But there has never been a woman who can stay by his side for so long, and for a long time, he will start to crave the warmth in her body and want to be stable.

  He has always been cautious, when to start, with her, even forgot to take safety measures, even Yu Xiuzun himself.

She is pregnant.

  This is something he did not expect.

  The moment he knew she was pregnant, he was full of shock and joy. He almost didn't even think about it. He knew that he wanted the child.

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