365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2112: I start to miss when I can't see

  There is no reason, and there is no need to think about it. He has to cultivate the accurate seed, he has to!

  Yu Xiu sat quasi-quietly, motionless, as if devilishly shocked.

  One person, lying on the steering wheel, sat all night.


  It has just dawned, and the morning sun shines brightly on the window sill.

  The warmth passed from outside the window to the ward.

   Ye Mingmei woke up very early, packed herself up, and sat in the room waiting.

  She has been deceived by Yu Xiuzun too many times, and she has deceived her psychological shadow.

   Fearing that the time was up, Yu Xiuzun refused to let her go.

  "Ms. Ye, the discharge procedures have been completed. This is the medicine you will take next. It has all been sorted out. One at a time, once a day. Just boil three bowls of water into one bowl and drink it."

  The doctor opened the door and walked in, still holding a packet of medicine in his hand.

  "How long will I have to take the medicine?" Ye Mingmei was startled looking at the big bag.

  "This is a one-month amount. In fact, it may not be necessary to drink until that time. After a while, if Miss Ye feels that her body is not uncomfortable, she can stop."

  The doctor responded cautiously, fearing that he would say something wrong.

  "This is better. I'll take it for a week. It's really uncomfortable. I'll go to the hospital for a checkup."

   Ye Mingmei hesitated for a moment, then spoke again.

  With so many Chinese medicinal materials, she must not hide from her mother's eyes when she brings them home. I am afraid that she will have to worry about it then.

  She feels good now, one week is enough.


  The doctor originally prescribed the amount for one and a half months, but he missed his mouth before, so he reduced it by half a month, and made his words simpler.

   thought it would be fine like this.

  Who knew that Ye Mingmei only needed medicine for a week.

  Simply stumped him.

  Yu is not there, he dare not call the shots without authorization...

   "Miss Ye, are everything packed, Yu Xiu will let his subordinates take you back." The assistant stood at the door and asked respectfully.

   Glancing at the doctor who was still standing in the ward, his eyes flickered.

   "I've packed up, I'm leaving now!"

   Ye Mingmei took the medicine packet from the doctor and ran to the door quickly.

  All the things in the ward were bought by Yu Xiu Zhun, and she didn't want to take any of them.

  The only thing to bring is a packet of medicine.

  She left in a hurry, so she didn’t care about bargaining with the doctor.

  Ye Mingmei rushed out of the ward in one sigh, without noticing the doctor behind him, seeing her taking the medicine packet, sweating nervously, and letting out a long sigh of relief...

   "Where is Yu Xiu Zhun? Didn't he come today?"

  Walking to the gate of the hospital, Ye Mingmei realized something was wrong, and looked at the assistant beside her in confusion.

  Yun Xiuzhun has been by her side for so many days, people who don’t know think they are husband and wife, and boast that he is a twenty-four filial husband.

  How come she was discharged from the hospital, but the others disappeared.

   "Yu Shao has important things today. I am afraid that I can't come. I told his subordinates to send Miss Ye back to Ye's house safely." The assistant answered respectfully, but looked towards the side of the road unconsciously.

  There, a black luxury car stopped there quietly.

  The doors and windows of the car were closed, and there was nothing to see from the outside, but the assistant knew that Yu Xiuzun sat inside.

  I would rather watch from a distance, but not close.

  Yu Shao, what are you thinking?

"Important matter……"

  Ye Mingmei's nerves froze, and she thought about the worst.

  As soon as his body stiffened, he froze in place, his face turned ugly.


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