365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2140: What does she go to the hospital for?

   Same as the previous night, sitting on the grass outside the French window, smoking a cigarette quietly, guarding the two of them.

  Until the dawn, he left quietly.


   A good night’s sleep, Ye Mingmei got up early.

   Endured the nausea, drank the medicine, cleaned up and went to work at the company.

  When it was almost noon, I clocked in and asked for leave, and left early with my bag.

   drove the car by himself and drove in the direction of the hospital.

  Worried that Su Yiru would receive the news, Ye Mingmei did not dare to go to the hospital invested by the Ye family and could only go to the public hospital.

  Follow normal procedures, register, queue, and wait for inspection.

   Holding the call sheet, Ye Mingmei's nervous palms were sweating.

  She doesn’t know if she feels wrong, she has been nauseous and uncomfortable these days. It is obvious that her eldest aunt has just left, and she has not been with Yu Xiuzun recently, and it is impossible to get pregnant.

  But she has been sleepy lately, she can’t get enough sleep no matter how she sleeps, and she has nausea...

  Thinking of her abnormal reaction, Ye Mingmei took a deep breath, and looked at the group of people waiting in line for the inspection, waiting nervously.

at the same time.

  Yu Xiu was sitting in the huge private room, his stalwart body leaning on the luxurious leather sofa, his slender legs overlapped, and a glass of red wine in his hand, gently shaking.

  Dark red red wine, reflecting his deep evil eyes.

  He hadn't slept all night, and under his sharp gaze, there was a slight exhaustion in the bottom of his eyes.

   reached out and pressed his eyebrows, sat up, "When will Rum come?"

   "Hui Yushao, Mr. Rum's plane has arrived in Washington from Thailand. Others are on the way to arrive, and they will arrive soon." The assistant replied respectfully.

  This time I want to meet with Yu Xiuzhun, but Mr. Rum, who is very famous on the road in Thailand.

  Rum admires Yu Xiuzun very much. He went to Paris to meet him once before, hoping to promote cooperation with Yu's family.

  Today’s negotiation is very important.


  The phone on the table flashes the caller ID.

  Yu Xiu Zhun took a sip of red wine, and slowly picked it up, "Say."

  "Yu Shao, his subordinates have been following Miss Ye. Miss Ye went to Ye's early this morning, but after staying at the company for one morning, she suddenly asked for leave and left. Now she is in the hospital."

   "What did you say? What did she go to the hospital for?!" Yu Xiu tightened suddenly and got up from the sofa.

  The deep sub-pupil refracted a dangerous light.

   "...queuing for inspection." The bodyguard on the other end of the phone said hurriedly.

  "The subordinates inquired. It is said that Miss Ye feels that she has been nauseous recently, so she wants to go to the hospital for a look. She has already received her number, and in half an hour, it should be her turn."

  "Try to find a way to hold the person first and wait for me to pass!" Yu Xiu cut off the phone suddenly, reached out his hand to grab the car key on the table, and turned around to leave.

  The assistant was taken aback, and quickly stopped in front of him.

  "Yu Shao, Mr. Rum is coming soon. Jiang Jinchen is staring at us too tightly now. Our goods in Thailand have to rely on Mr. Rum's dredging. If the contract is closed at this time, the consequences will be very serious."

   "Go away!"

  Yun Xiuzun kicked his assistant away, and rushed out of the box without even thinking about it.

  Get on the sports car and hurried to the hospital.


  "Miss Ye, sorry, two patients were temporarily transferred to the emergency department. Because of the special circumstances, you may be asked to wait a little longer, do you think it’s okay?"

  The little nurse walked to Ye Mingmei and spoke apologetically.

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