"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, let them go first." Ye Mingmei looked at the fewer and fewer people in front of her, seeing that she was about to reach her, she was already nervous.

   Hearing what the nurse said, he let out a long sigh of relief.

  Wait a little longer, she needs enough time for psychological construction.

  "There is a lounge next to it. If you are tired, you can lie down in it for a while. I will call you when the time is up." The little nurse said politely.

   "No, I'll just sit here and wait." Ye Mingmei pulled out a smile, motioned the nurse to ignore her, and then continued to wait.

  When the little nurse saw Ye Mingmei talk so well, when she turned around, she breathed out silently.

   quickly walked to the corner, "The number plate has been postponed, but it can be delayed for more than ten minutes at most. After a long time, I am afraid that it will be discovered."

   "I see, this is your reward."

  The man standing in the corner put a stack of money in the hands of the nurse and quickly turned and left.

  When Ye Mingmei walked into the doctor's office, she was very nervous.

  I told her about her situation, and a nurse took her down for an examination.

  Finally, he took the examination report and sat back in the doctor’s office again.

  My hands are twisted together and placed in front of me nervously.

"Am I pregnant?"

   Ye Mingmei swallowed her saliva, her beautiful eyes filled with a daze, looking at the old doctor who was looking at her examination report.

  It is said that this is the most experienced doctor in this hospital. He has a record of never making any mistakes when he sees a doctor. It is the hospital’s living sign.

   Ye Mingmei also heard about it, so she chose to come here.

  She now feels like a prisoner standing on the execution ground, waiting for the final sentence.

   "Miss Ye, you don't need to be too nervous, just relax." The doctor put down the examination report on his hand, took off the eyes from the bridge of the nose, and looked at Ye Mingmei with a smile.

   "You just have some gastrointestinal problems, not pregnancy."


  Ye Mingmei was startled, and raised her head in shock, "Is there something wrong with the stomach?"

"Yes, the organs of the human body are affected by emotions. Too much stress or poor sleep may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. You will feel nausea and nausea. It's just because the stomach is uncomfortable. As you said, it is easy to get tired. This is relevant, just take some medicine and adjust it."

  The doctor said, already holding the pen, and writing the prescription on the paper.


   Ye Mingmei clenched her hand slightly into a fist, a little surprised at the result of this inspection.

  After relaxing, there is a little more loneliness.

  She can't say how it feels.

  Before I came here, I was always worried about my pregnancy. After I was sure I was okay, I didn’t feel how happy I was.

"Miss Ye, this is your prescription, and I need to tell you something. Because of the drug, after you take it, the menstrual period may be delayed. Don't worry too much. This is a normal reaction. Wait for you to stop the drug. After that, it will return to normal in a month or two."

  The doctor handed the prescription to Ye Mingmei.

  Ye Mingmei took a look, pinched it in her hand, bit her lip, “I’m still drinking Chinese medicine that regulates the body, will there be any conflict?”

  "Chinese medicine can be stopped first, and you can continue to take it after you feel your nausea improves." The old doctor seemed to know what she would ask, and answered calmly.

  Holding both hands on Ye Mingmei’s inspection report, the expression on her face was Yan Jin, and the cold stethoscope on her neck looked very professional.

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