"What is left?" Shan Hanjie narrowed his evil eyes and followed her gaze to the small wooden sculpture in Tingye's hand, "You mean this."

"Yes...No, I mean, I don't know what he wants to express, but I think he should have something else to say, just on Tingye's gift, but I don't know what he wants to say... …"

  Qin Youxuan spoke a little incoherently because of nervousness, and then looked at Shan Hanjie blankly, wondering if he understood it.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flickered slightly, and he hugged her horizontally, walked to the side, and put her on the grass.

   Holding her shoulders with both hands, "Take a deep breath, don’t panic, speak slowly, what did you find?"


  Qin Youxuan looked at his eyes, her emotions eased, but she was still surprised, "When I watched Ting Ye playing the small wooden sculpture, I suddenly remembered a sentence that Shan Hanxi had said to me before his death."

Qin Youxuan swallowed, "No matter how desperate he makes me, don't forget to look at Tingye's eyes, Tingye's eyes will tell me the answer!"

  Tingye’s eyes...

  Shan Hanjie turned his head and glanced at the little guy playing on the grass. The little guy was thinking intently about how to break the small wooden sculptures in his hands. He simply ignored the entangled adults here.

   "You suspect that the eyes he said are not real eyes, but the eyeball-shaped wooden sculpture he gave to Ting Ye?"


  Qin Youxuan sat up straight from the grass and grabbed Shan Hanjie's arm.

"Do you still remember, I told you that before Shan Hanxi died, the most apologetic thing was that he had hurt Tingye and almost made Tingye blind. We all thought that the wood sculpture he gave was already Gifts, but now think about it, maybe there are things we didn't expect in it."

   "Mom, open! Open!"

  Xiao Tingye tossed for a long time by himself, without removing the things in his hands, the pink jade face collapsed at once, and he ran towards Qin Youxuan with the small wooden sculpture.


  A thought flashed through Qin Youxuan's mind, and she looked at Shan Hanjie in surprise.

  "You can try, maybe Tingye has already told you the answer." Shan Hanjie's coquettish child pupil squinted, and his thin lips opened slightly.

  The words that I export, coincide with Qin Youxuan’s ideas.

  Qin Youxuan hugged Ting Ye to his side, took the small wooden sculpture in his hand, and turned around, but there was no place to open it.

  Children always think that round things can be opened, but this woodcarving is a complete log, solid.

   "There are no gaps, and it doesn't seem to be empty inside."

  Qin Youxuan tried several times, but couldn't open it, and handed the small wooden sculpture to Shan Hanjie in frustration.

   "Did we think in the wrong direction?"

  Dan Hanjie did not speak, and took the woodcarving from her hand, twisted it hard, but couldn't unscrew it.

   tapped with fingertips, it is indeed solid.

   "There is nothing in it."

   "Let me show it to the baby." When the little guy saw that he couldn't open it, he quickly reached out and took his things back.

  The two chubby hands began to play seriously again.

  Can’t open, and the above scripture is incomplete...

  What does Shan Hanxi want to imply?

  Is she too sensitive, or there really is information they missed.

  Qin Youxuan's eyes fell on the tombstone in front of him, and the bright cat eyes became gloomy.

  She always believed that Shan Hanxi would not really do anything to harm them, but what did he want to say.

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