"It's getting late, go back first. Even if you want to check something, don't worry about it at this time." Shan Hanjie saw the little guy on the grass hugged him, clasped Qin Youxuan's hand with one hand, and took her towards Walk down the hillside.

  Getting into the car, Qin Youxuan is still immersed in her doubts.

  In contrast, the father and son are much more harmonious.

  Xiao Tingye tried several times, but really couldn't open it, so he hung the small wooden sculpture back on his neck.

   yawned delicately.

  Want to go to sleep and find his father, the little guy's soft and small body automatically put the cat into Shan Hanjie's arms, rubbing his small face on his chest.

  Xiaozui did not forget to please Shan Hanjie.

   "Love dad, dad hug."

   "You only remember to love Dad at this time." Shan Hanjie gave a cold snort, but unconsciously put his small soft body in his arms.

   straightened his head so that he could sleep comfortably on his shoulder.

  In the car, the atmosphere suddenly became very warm.


time flies.

  Day by day, the three-month period for the auction of Shan Group’s shares is getting closer and closer.

  Qin Youxuan could not find Mofeng, so she could only use the funds of the Ye Group as much as possible to make the worst preparations.

  Dan Hanjie still doesn't care about his face, and spends more time with his wife and son.

   "Ting Ye is still so young, will Da Bai be taken over so quickly, will he scare him? And for such a young child, I am worried that his immune system is not yet healthy..."

  Qin Youxuan's petite body stood in front of the desk, surrounded in front of Shan Hanjie, and had gone around how many times.

  Every time you go around, you can come up with a reason for your concerns.

  Since Shan Hanjie proposed to take Dabai over, in just ten minutes, she had dozens of concerns that she could think of.

  Shan Hanjie put down the document in his hand, and raised the demon's face slightly, shimmering across the corner of his eyes, shimmering with a sharp color, and a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "How did I suddenly realize that you are still a pessimist."


  Isn’t she considered thoughtful?

  Ting Ye is still so young, but he can think of taking a wolf over to be his son's playmate.

  Although Qin Youxuan wanted to come to light too much, but when she thought that Ting Ye was only over a year old, she would play with a wolf. Qin Youxuan couldn't think of that picture.

   "My son of Shan Hanjie, it won't be so useless, you have to let him grow." Shan Hanjie closed the document, threw the pen into the pen holder next to him, and stood up.

   stepped towards Qin Youxuan, stretched out her hand to wrap her waist, bowed her head and pressed her lips.

   Entangled for a while before letting go.

  Long fingers stroked the corners of her mouth, her eyes were deep, "With Dabai with Tingye, you can concentrate on accompany me."


  Throwing your son to a snow wolf in order to grab his wife, Jie Shao, you are pretty hard too!

  Qin Youxuan's protest was invalid, and turned around to go to Ting Ye.

  Before Da Bai was sent over, she had to find a way to let Ting Ye lower her fear.

  Qin Youxuan watched the training video of Dabai not long ago. Snow wolf is already very big, Dabai is a leader. He has a strong and vigorous physique before he reaches adulthood.

  When such a large snow wolf appeared in front of Tingye, Qin Youxuan couldn't imagine what Tingye would be frightened.

   "Where are you going?"

  Qin Youxuan just turned around, her wrist tightened suddenly.

   turned his head, he caught a glimpse of Shan Hanjie’s enchanting evil eyes, and hurriedly broke away from his hand, “I’m going to find Tingye now. I’m worried that he will be scared the first time he sees Dabai.”

   "It's too late."

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