365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2174: It's going to drive people crazy

  Ye Mingmei looked at him, smiled softly, and watched Yu Xiuzhun washing her hands without getting angry.

  His eyes fell on the steak that hadn't been finished, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

   "I'll get it done soon. Don't come in and make trouble. Go out and wait. You can eat in half an hour."

   Ye Mingmei said, reaching out to push his tall body.

  Yu Xiu Zhun was pushed out of the kitchen by her, the whole person was dazed.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei, who turned around and went back to the kitchen to be busy again, apart from being astonished, there was only disbelief left in her eyes.

  What did she just say...

  For a second, he even wanted to reach out and touch her forehead to see if she had a fever.

  Yun Xiuzun once had a good time, and went back into the kitchen again, taking down the knife in Ye Mingmei's hand.

   "What do you want to eat, I will ask the servant to cook it for you."

   "I have nothing to eat, I just want to cook for you, don't you want to try my craft?" Ye Mingmei tilted her head and asked him softly.

  He thought...think of going crazy.

  It’s just that Yu Xiuzhun never dared to think about it.

  Don't say that Ye Mingmei was spoiled since she was a child. Maybe she can't cook, but even if she did, based on Ye Mingmei's aversion to him, Yu Xiuzun would never expect her to do this for him.

   Now Ye Mingmei asked him if he wanted to.

  Yu Xiuzun could not say anything to refuse.

  Evil eyes, fixedly looking at her.

  As if wanting to see into her heart, to see exactly what she was thinking.

   "What do you want to do?" Yu Xiuquan's thin lips moved a little, and they opened faintly.

   "Steak, then add some fruit salad, I heard the housekeeper say, you like this." Ye Mingmei responded quickly, with beautiful eyes, looking at his handsome face.

  The butler said that the steak and red wine is a good idea for Yu Xiuzun.

The most important thing in   Yu’s family is good red wine. She doesn’t know how to cook a lot. She just can cook steak, so she made it.

   "Don't worry, I really have very little practical experience, but I promise that my fried steak is not delicious, and it will definitely not be deadly." Ye Mingmei raised her hand and said playfully.

   turned around and continued to prepare ingredients.


  Yun Xiuzun looked at the smile on her face, her chest seemed to be filled with something.

  Looking at her busy back for him, a sense of satisfaction that she had never had before spread in my heart.

  The stalwart body stepped forward and grabbed her thin body from behind.

  The sharpened chin rested on her shoulder, and in her tone, there was uncertainty that she hadn't noticed.

  "Tell me, this is the real you, is it Ye Mingmei I know?"

  If it's just an illusion, let the dream last longer.

   "What are you talking about, do you still know the second Ye Mingmei?" Ye Mingmei blinked innocently and turned to look at him.

  As soon as the voice fell, the lips were blocked.

  Ren was pressed against the wall by Yu Xiuzhun, and he was in his arms. His tall body completely enveloped her.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, you still let me not cook well." Ye Mingmei muttered unhappily, and twisted her brows slightly.

The next second, Yu Xiuzun let go of her and stroked her blushing cheeks with long fingers, staring at her very seriously, saying every word, "The housekeeper is wrong. My favorite is not steak, it's you." ."


   Ye Mingmei was startled, and was stunned for a second, then pushed him hard, "Rogue!"

  Speak well, he can think of that.

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