365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2175: I won't be polite if I don't go out!

   "You go out quickly, and if you don't go out again, I won't do it!" Ye Mingmei blushed, she couldn't stand the shameless Yu Xiuzun, and could only pretend to be angry.

  Sure enough, as soon as she lowered her face, Yu Xiuzun returned to her dignity.

  With her current body, he did not dare to risk touching her at all. It is best not to be contaminated, otherwise the person who suffers in the end is still himself.

   "I look at you, lest you hurt yourself." Yu Xiuzhun stepped back a few steps, leaning against the door frame.

   Evil eyes, like a super searchlight with increased wattage, staring behind Ye Mingmei.


  He is like this, how can she cook well?

  It’s okay at first, and when you get nervous, you might actually cut yourself.

  Ye Mingmei turned around with the knife, and made two gestures in front of him, "You go out quickly, I will be welcome if you don't go out!"


  Yun Xiuzhun glanced at her flushing face, her eyes converged, a smile flashed across her eyes, and she turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

   Ye Mingmei breathed a sigh of relief, and went on to cook when she was in a good mood.

  The smell of steak soon spread from the kitchen...

  Yuan Xiuquan put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the junction of the dining room and the kitchen, and looked like Ye Mingmei suddenly changed. He twisted his brows and stepped into the living room.

   "What happened today?"

   "Returning to Xiao, nothing special happened." The butler replied respectfully.

   "No? It would suddenly become like this without her, don't tell me that her head suddenly opened up!" Yu Xiuzun turned his head and glared at the housekeeper.

   Ye Mingmei’s abnormality, let alone he can see it, even anyone with eyes can see it.

   was incompatible with him yesterday, and used a hunger strike to coerce him to let her leave.

  He only went out for one day today, and she suddenly wanted to drive, not only to eat obediently, but even to cook for him.

  Thinking with his thumb, he knew that something must have happened that he didn't know.

"There's really nothing special. The subordinate gave Miss Ye several meals this morning, but she didn't want to eat it. The subordinate was worried that her body would not be able to bear it, so she persuaded a few words, and she didn't know Miss Ye. Didn’t I hear it? After a long time, I went downstairs to eat."

  The butler avoids the most important explanation.


"Yu Shao, maybe Miss Ye has figured it out. After all, the body is her own. Miss Ye won't really joke about herself. Besides, no matter what the reason, Miss Ye is better than before. This adult is hungry. It's okay for two days, and the child can't afford to toss."


  Yu repaired quasi evil eyes, his eyes dimmed, and he turned around and entered the restaurant.

  "Wash your hands and you can eat." Ye Mingmei just came out of the kitchen with two steaks, and saw Yu Xiuzhun, she greeted her with a smile.

  Yun Xiuzhun stepped forward, took the steak from her hand, and put it on the table.

   took her hand, pressed her to the chair, turned around and went into the kitchen, washed her hands, and brought out the fruit salad she had prepared.

  Instead of rushing to eat, she sat next to her, grabbed Ye Mingmei's hand, and checked it carefully.

   Make sure that there are no cuts and burns, and then completely relieved.

   "You doubt my skills so much, I said that I am very upset, and I will never cook for you next time." Ye Mingmei withdrew her hand, took the steak in front of her and was about to start.

  Before she could pick up the knife and fork, Yu Xiuzun took a step ahead of her and pulled her plate in front of her.

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