365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2181: Are you still my true love


  As soon as she saw Qin Youxuan, Xiao Tingye got up from the grass, and there was Jiang Jinchen who could care about the scurrying. He stepped on his short legs and quickly ran towards Qin Youxuan.

  The little arm hugged her calf, "Hug!"

   "Ting Ye, how can you let Da Bai scare Uncle?" Qin Youxuan picked up the little guy and nodded his little nose.

   "I can't even fight a child, I deserve to be scared." Shan Hanjie coldly snorted beside him, and glanced contemptuously at Jiang Jinchen, who was sweating profusely.


  Jiang Jinchen just wanted to ask for comfort. Hearing Shan Hanjie's words, the whole person was deeply shocked.

  The long and narrow peach blossom eyes narrowed, holding the heart in both hands, "Jie, are you still my true love? Since you have a wife and son, I have become the third in your heart!"


Qin Youxuan sprayed it all at once, laughing out of breath, looking at Shan Hanjie, whose face was frozen, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "True love? I didn't see it. It turns out that you have such a strong taste. It's okay with this bite."


  Dan Hanjie's charming face turned black and gave Jiang Jinchen a fierce look.

  Jiang Jinchen didn't even dare to speak at this time, and quickly walked slowly into the living room, holding on to the old waist that was about to break.

   When he saw the Snow Wolf crouching outside the living room, he trembled and hid behind Qin Youxuan.

  "Sister, my dear sister, please protect me quickly. I brought a collector's edition video of my wife and son. Yaya asked me to show it to you. If you are eaten by a wolf, you will see nothing!"

  "Dabai won't attack people. Tingye teased you just now. See you are really scared. If Yaya sees it, I guess you should be scolded again."

  Qin Youxuan explained with a smile, beckoning to Da Bai, Da Bai immediately shook the wolf's tail, jumped to her, licked her palm, and then turned and left.

  Behind her, Jiang Jinchen's face has become stiff.

   "This wolf was raised by you, of course you are not afraid, you can try another normal person, whoever sees it will run away without turning his head."

  This is not something that can be used as a joke. If you are not careful, your life will be over.

  If he hadn't been brave enough, he would have drawn his gun earlier.

  "Let’s talk about my godson, I haven’t seen Xiao Jiangnan for a long time, so hand in the video!" Qin Youxuan put Tingye on the sofa, turned his head and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Jinchen.

"What's the rush, my son's video is so precious, you always want to give me some benefits, I just consider showing it to you, you see, I came all the way, I didn't even take a breath of water, I was scared just now. It's awful, this little heart hasn't slowed down yet!"

  Jiang Jinchen patted his chest, his gaze flicked over Xiao Tingye's body, the hint was obvious.

  This is a good saying, wherever you lose it, you have to find it back.

  If this were to be known, his famous Jiang Sanshao was actually played around by a little milk baby, how embarrassing it would be!

   "Tingye, do you want to see my little brother?" Qin Youxuan narrowed her cat's eyes slightly, and the little guy who was lying on the sofa picking his fingers hugged him, straightened his little shoulder, and asked solemnly.

  "Is this handsome little brother?" Ting Ye tilted his head and looked at her seriously.

   "Well, the handsome little brother like Tingye is Tingye's little brother. You can play with Tingye in the future." Qin Youxuan nodded and squeezed the little guy's face.

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