365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2182: Education should start from the baby

   "Yes, I want! I want a handsome brother!" The little guy nodded like a garlic.

   "Then call your uncle, and your uncle will show you the little brother." Qin Youxuan pointed towards Jiang Jinchen next to her.

   "No, he is a coward." Xiao Tingye turned his head with a look of disgust, glanced at Jiang Jinchen, and quickly twisted the beginning.

   will be afraid of being white, they are all cowards.

  Don’t call him Uncle Coward.

   "Then you don't want your brother?" Qin Youxuan released her hand and stared at him.


  The little guy's face was frowned, and his brows were frowned.

  Little mouth pouted, "Can't you just look at your brother?"

   "Tingye, uncle is not a coward. Uncle is just not familiar with Dabai. You can't bully him with Dabai. My little brother will dislike you." Qin Youxuan is so tempting.

  Ting Ye's **** eyes blinked, and his small body immediately climbed down from the sofa, rushed to Jiang Jinchen's knee, and raised his small head.


  The soft and waxy voice is sweet to the human heart.

   "It's almost the same!" Jiang Jinchen's tail was about to rise up into the sky, and Ting Ye proudly hugged Ting Ye and kissed him on the cheek.

   "Remember, I am your uncle of your relatives and relatives, or you can be your uncle of your backer, you can't offend, you know?"

   "Are you done with the screaming? Where's the video of Yaya and my godson?"

  Qin Youxuan stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Jiang Jinchen.

  Xiao Tingye also stretched out her pink and tender chubby hand, and then shook it, "Brother!"

   "Can't stand the two of you, here, in my phone, see for yourself." Jiang Jinchen took out the phone and threw it into Qin Youxuan's arms.

   Xiao Tingye, who was still nesting next to Jiang Jinchen just now, ran away from him, and ran back to Qin Youxuan quickly.

   "Mom, I want my brother."

   "Okay, mom will watch the little brother with you." Qin Youxuan took him into her arms and stretched out her hand to open the video stored in Jiang Jinchen's phone.

   Xiao Jiangnan in a camouflage uniform was lying on the sofa, and his two chubby hands were put into his little mouth, chewing, slobber, drooling.

  The exquisite little face faced the camera, as if he had found someone shooting him. As soon as he was shy, he threw himself into Ning Yanan’s arms and rubbed Ning Yanan’s chest straight.

  Ning Yanan just took him out, and he came back again.

  In the end, Ning Yanan didn’t know what to do, so she could only show her assassin's skill, "Look at me, baby, there is a beautiful sister coming to our house!"

  Ning Yanan's words fell, and I don't know if the little guy really understood her, she was startled, and the next second, she turned her head and looked hard at the door.


  Qin Youxuan smiled directly when she saw this scene.

   "Jiang Jinchen, look at your son, he is all poisoned by you, how old he is, you know how to look at your beautiful sister!"

   "What do you know, this is called education starting from a baby. When my son can talk, I will teach him to pick up sisters immediately!" Jiang Jinchen said without blushing or panting, with a righteous expression on his face.

"Tingye, do you like beautiful little sisters?" Qin Youxuan looked down at the little guy in her arms, Xiao Tingye's attention was still on the younger brother in the video, her little head lifted, and her brows frowned proudly. .

   "No little sister."

   "Why?" Qin Youxuan was startled and looked at him curiously.

  The little guy, Xiaojun, raised his face and pursed his small mouth slowly, "Dad said, women are troublesome, we only need to take care of mother."

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