"Is it Miss Ye?"

  Just when Ye Mingmei didn't know where to go, suddenly a person dressed as a fisherman walked towards her.

"you are……"

  Ye Mingmei turned around and looked at the person in front of her. She only recognized when the person took off the fisherman's hat on her head.

   is the assistant who has been with Yu Xiuzhun.

  "Miss Ye, it’s not convenient to talk here. If you want to eat seafood, I’m afraid you have to get on the boat." Seeing that Ye Mingmei had recognized him, the assistant quickly put on her hat, and walked respectfully to the front to guide her.


  Ye Mingmei looked at the assistant who changed his face before him, then glanced at the empty port, bit her lip, and then stepped forward.

   has been turning around in the port for several times, Ye Mingmei didn't see Yu Xiuzun, and stopped uncontrollably.

   "Where are you taking me?"

  "Don't worry, Miss Ye, the seafood hasn't arrived yet, and I don't know if it is suitable for unloading here. I need to wait a little longer. It's hard work for Miss Ye to walk with me." The assistant said respectfully.

  The words are full of secret words, very cautious.

  Ye Mingmei's eyes flickered, enduring nervousness and anxiety, followed his assistant and wandered in the port for a while.

  Until they walked four or five laps, the assistant suddenly pulled her and turned into an underpass.

  Into a small warehouse from the dark road.

  "Where is this place?" Ye Mingmei guarded her stomach vigilantly, and slammed back, getting close to the direction of the exit.

  "Don’t worry, Miss Ye. This is an exit to the coastline. In order to prevent anyone from knowing which cruise ship Yu Shao is on, I have to make a last resort. Miss Ye has been with me for so long."

   "...has he arrived?" Ye Mingmei's beautiful eyes froze. After a few seconds, she recovered.

   "Yes, the several large cruise ships in the port have all entered the port from last night to now, and Yu Shao is on one of them. In order to conceal people, they must go on a special channel."

  The assistant finished speaking, turned around, stepped forward, fumbled on the wall of the small warehouse, pressed a switch, and a small door opened on the wall, just allowing a person to pass through.

   "Miss Ye, please."


   Ye Mingmei's hand on her side tightened, and she couldn't help feeling nervous at the thought of seeing Yu Xiu.

  How long did he leave, she actually felt like a world away.

  The more you are about to see, the more nervous you are.

  She even has an urge to run away when she wants to turn her head.

  "Miss Ye." Seeing Ye Mingmei's delay, the assistant looked at her with some confusion.

"I know."

   Ye Mingmei gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, stepped forward, followed her assistant, and entered the passageway, leading all the way to the edge of the coastline.

  As soon as I left, I saw a large cruise ship parked in front of me.

  On the deck, a handsome figure stood close to her.

  Her footsteps were very light, but the people on the deck seemed to feel it, and the moment she came out, she turned away from the deck.

  Four eyes faced each other, and Ye Mingmei's eyes turned red for a moment.

  The thin body seemed to be nailed in place.

  I tried to walk over with my foot several times, but couldn't move.

   just stood there, watching Yu Xiuzun who walked towards her step by step.

  The moment he walked in front of him, tears rolled down from his eyes.

   "Miss me?"

  Yun Xiu's handsome face was magnified in front of her eyes, and his evil eyes were glowing with gloomy light.

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