365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2203: I'm here to pick you up

   Seeing Ye Mingmei’s tears, she twisted her eyebrows and wiped them away with a long finger.

  Looking at Ye Mingmei, who had nothing with her except a carrying bag, her eyes flashed, she bent down, hugged her horizontally, and strode onto the cruise ship.

  Until I got on the cruise ship and was put on the sofa by Yu Xiu, Ye Mingmei was still in a state of wandering gods.

  Yun Xiuzhun was not in a hurry, took out the handkerchief, wiped her tears, and put her thin body in her arms, giving her enough time to buffer her emotions.

  For a long time, both of them just hugged tightly, and no one spoke.

  The assistant outside the cabin door saw this situation, really sweating.

  When is this, why is Yu Shao still in the mood to talk about love? The longer you stay here, the greater the danger.

  Yu’s family is struggling to find out Yu Xiuzhun, they should take Miss Ye away immediately and leave Washington to talk.

   "Yu Xiuzun, I have something to tell you." As soon as Ye Mingmei spoke, Yu Xiuzhun's lips were blocked.

  After being separated for so long, he missed her and missed her.

  Even if she is worried about her being pregnant, he can't do anything. He wants to kiss her well, hug her, and feel the reality of her still in his arms.

   Ye Mingmei was so confused, she forgot to push him away.

"You don't need to say anything, listen to me." Yu Xiuzhun slowly let go of her, staring down at the cute Ye Mingmei, drew a long finger across her lips, and the corner of her mouth hooked, "I'm here to pick you up." Go, did you bring all the documents with you?"


  Ye Mingmei's body stiffened, and her hand was a little tight.

   didn’t even dare to look at Yu Xiuzun’s eyes.

   "It doesn't matter if you don't bring it, I will give you a fake identity when you need it." Yu Xiu Zhunxie's eyes flashed, looking at her guilty conscience, she knew the answer.

  Hugged her tightly, and after a while, he let go of his hand, ready to order people to sail.

  "Yun Xiuzhun, you can stop..." Ye Mingmei raised her head suddenly, reached out and took his hand, and looked at him seriously. In her eyes, there was a decisiveness that had never been seen before.

   "I came here today, and I never thought about going with you. You have done so many wrong things and you can't leave."

  Yun Xiu Zhun's back became stiff, and he slowly turned around, and his pupil tightened, "You are here to tell me this?"


"I said, as long as I'm alive, you don't want to run away from me." Yu Xiu Zhun pulled her up from the sofa and brought her to her side. "You can't let me go, otherwise you won't. Here comes, today no matter what you say, you must follow me!"

   "I'm here to stop you! Yu Xiuzhun, I have notified my sister! They have rushed over with someone now, you can't leave."

   Ye Mingmei roared, her voice trembled uncontrollably.

   "Can't you put down everything in your family and start over, even for me... and our baby."

   Ye Mingmei clutched his arm tightly, tears hit the back of his hand all of a sudden, crying.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, I'm pregnant!"


"I don’t want my baby to be like you, living in an unsettled life, and living in an environment like Yu’s family since childhood. I want to give him a bright future, a good educational environment, and let him grow up healthily and happily. ."


  Yun Xiuquan froze for more than ten seconds before turning his head back, looking down stiffly, looking at the emotional Ye Mingmei.

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