
  The little guy didn't coax Ye Mingmei well. When she saw Ye Mingmei cry, he cried out sadly.

  He was in a hurry and wanted to pat Ye Mingmei on the back, choked up, "Baby be good, auntie don’t cry..."

   "It's not about Tingye's business, Tingye is very good." Ye Mingmei reached out her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, sat up holding Tingye, took a tissue, and wiped his face distressedly.

   "Auntie is okay, Tingye doesn't cry."

  "Does the auntie hurt?" The little guy didn't know what had happened, but he knew that he was sick in the hospital. Seeing Ye Mingmei crying, he always thought she was in pain.

   "It doesn't hurt to see Tingye." Ye Mingmei took the caring little guy into her arms and gently touched his little face.

  Looking at Ting Ye’s eyes, he seemed to be imagining the little baby in his stomach.

  Qin Youxuan watched this scene, moved slightly in her heart, and stepped forward.

  "Tingye can’t press her aunt’s belly. There is a baby in her aunt’s belly. Tingye wants to protect the baby with her aunt, you know?"

  "A baby as cute as me?" When the little guy heard that there was a baby in Ye Mingmei's belly, his big dark eyes blinked, and his little face was raised in excitement.

  The next second, she put her ear on Ye Mingmei’s belly again, "Can the baby talk?"

   "Auntie’s baby is still young, and she can’t speak yet, but when she is as old as Ting Ye, it will be." Qin Youxuan hugged Ting Ye and looked at Ye Mingmei who was stunned.

   "Aunt Ru minds Yu Xiuzun, not the child in your stomach. The children are innocent. I will help you persuade her."

  "...Would you like to let me keep the baby?"

  Ye Mingmei turned around unexpectedly and looked at Qin Youxuan, tears in her eyes instantly.

   "Your own child, of course I will respect your decision. Aunt Ru loves you very much. She just can't accept the relationship between this child and Yu Xiuzun... Give her some time and she will understand."

  Qin Youxuan finished speaking, the door of the ward was pushed open.

  Ye Mingmei's nerves that are not easy to relax, tense for a moment, and turn his head nervously to look at the door.

  Looking at Jin Chenye, who came in carrying the porridge, with a **** on his face.

   reached out to protect his belly and retreated to the bed, "Don’t eat, I don’t want to eat anything, you all want to harm my baby..."

   "Mingmei, what are you thinking? No one here wants to harm your baby, but if you continue to stop eating like this, you are really hurting him."


   "The baby is almost three months old. He needs enough nutrition to grow up. If you don't eat, how can he grow up healthy?" Qin Youxuan stepped forward and took the porridge bowl from Jin Chenye.

   Glancing at Ye Mingmei, who was still worried, took a sip of porridge with a spoon and fed it to Ting Ye’s mouth.

  "Try it for my aunt and it is not hot."

   "It's delicious!" The little guy took a bite and squinted his eyes happily.

"Now you can rest assured?" Qin Youxuan handed the porridge bowl to Ye Mingmei, "Eat well. If you feel uncomfortable, you can talk to me. I can help you with everything else, but take care of your baby. Only you can."


   Ye Mingmei raised her head, glanced at Qin Youxuan, then turned to look at Tingye who was still in her mouth, her eyes softened.

   took the porridge from Qin Youxuan, sipped it, and fed the little guy's mouth from time to time.

  One big and one small, I quickly finished a bowl of porridge.

   "Are there any more?"

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