Ye Mingmei raised the empty bowl and looked at Jin Chenye eagerly.

  Beside her, Xiao Tingye also chirped his mouth, and then looked at Jin Chenye.


   "When I came, I was worried that you would drop this bowl of porridge, but I never thought that you would drink it again. I'll let someone bring it over." Jin Chenye joked, took out his mobile phone and walked to the side to make a call.

  On the hospital bed, Ye Mingmei plucked her hair twice, embarrassedly put down the bowl.

  She was very hungry, but she didn't dare to eat. She was afraid that Su Yiru would prepare something to hurt the baby. Now that her heart knot is open, she wants to eat more.

  Qin Youxuan is right, she can’t give up on herself, she must be strong and take care of the baby by herself.

  This is her child, no one can force her to give up.

  "It’s best if you want to drive yourself. When your health is better, I will help you tell Aunt Ru that you can’t give up too early when things are not at their worst, understand?"

  Qin Youxuan sat next to her, stretched out her hand to touch her cold cheek, and persuaded distressedly.

   "Sister, Yu Xiu is sure he is really..." Ye Mingmei choked, and when she opened her mouth, tears fell first.

   "People can't come back from death, you have to learn to look away." Qin Youxuan's eyes flashed, and she told Ye Mingmei as Shan Hanjie ordered.

  Yun Xiuzun is now uncertain about his life or death. Instead of letting Ye Mingmei wait with unrealistic hopes, it is better to let her give up.

  If she is still willing to keep the child, at least she wants the child from the bottom of her heart, rather than holding the hope that Yu Xiuzhun will come back someday.

  The greater the hope, the easier it is to despair.

   "Mingmei, you still have a baby. This baby has nothing to do with Yu Xiuzun. It's just your baby. Are you still willing to keep him?"

   "I want him! I want to keep him! He is my baby, no one can take it away!"

   "Yes, yes, no one will take it away. The baby is yours, only yours." Qin Youxuan hugged her insecure body and gently patted her back.

"I just want you to think about it clearly. Although this child is the last blood of Yu Xiuzun, but Yu Xiuzhun will never come back again. If you leave this baby, you will be tied to this child for the rest of your life. , He will be the fetters you can't get rid of the most. I am worried that you will have too hard a life alone."

   "I'm not afraid." Ye Mingmei shook her head firmly, holding her belly tightly with her hands, "If it weren't for Yu Xiuzhun, the dead person should be me, this child, I must stay."

  It was hard for her to figure out what she wanted.

  I thought I could start over with Yu Xiuzun, and watched him get better day by day...but she became his reminder.

  If she doesn't have a baby, she doesn't know what it means to live.

  "Yu Xiu must be the murderer of your father, his child, I will never recognize him!" The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, but it was not the delivery person who came in, but the dark-faced Su Yiru.

   Hearing Ye Mingmei’s words, Su Yiru stepped forward without thinking about it, reaching out and clasping her hand.

   "I don't think there is any need to wait at all. You will go for a check-up now, let the doctor arrange the operation for you immediately, and get me out of this wicked species!"

"I do not want……"

   Ye Mingmei was startled, and then forcefully broke free of Ru Yiru's hand, and dodged excitedly.

   even took it, and took Ting Ye next to him into his arms, and stood in front of him.

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