365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2216: I'll be in charge from now on

   "Since I was young, my mother has never forced you to do anything, but this matter, you have to listen to me anyway!" Su Yiru's face sank, and she stepped forward to pull Ye Mingmei.

  Qin Youxuan quickly reached out and stopped in front.

"Aunt Ru, we have already discussed this matter. No matter what, Mingmei’s current physical condition is that she doesn’t want this child, and she can’t rush for a while. In case something happens, it will be difficult for her to have it again in her life Baby!"


  Su Yiru's body shook, and her movements stopped, but her face was still ugly.

  She was unable to bear children because of her uterus injury. This is a woman's greatest sorrow. How could she have the heart to let her daughter take risks.

   But as long as he thinks of the child in Ye Mingmei's belly, Yu Xiu is right, Su Yiru can't accept it.

   "I don't want to have surgery, this is my baby, no one can touch it!" Ye Mingmei lifted the quilt, and ran out nervously as soon as her feet hit the ground.

   "Mingmei, where are you going? Your body is not healthy yet, don't be too excited at this time!" Jin Chenye was the nearest to Ye Mingmei, and he stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms and hugged her hard.

  "Listen to me, for the baby, you have to be calm at this time. No matter what happens, be calm."

   "Don't take away my baby, this is my baby... Why don't you even give me the last hope..." Ye Mingmei clenched her hands into fists, punched Jin Chenye's chest, crying with excitement.

   "If the baby is gone, I will die with him!"

  "Don't talk nonsense!" Jin Chenye's voice sank, his big hand controlled the back of Ye Mingmei's head and rubbed her little head.

"Okay, it's okay. Stay if you want to stay. With me, no one can hurt your baby. After you leave the hospital, you will live with me, and I will take care of your mother and child until you give birth to your baby safely. "

"……Is it really possible?"

   Ye Mingmei stiffened, and raised her head weakly.

   "As long as you want, there is nothing wrong. The most important thing now is that you must take care of your body before you can give birth to your child in good health." Jin Chenye clasped Ye Mingmei's wrist and protected her behind him.

   turned around and looked at Su Yiru seriously.

"Auntie, if I take the liberty, the person who has the most say in this child's going and staying is Mingmei. If she is unwilling, even if you are her mother, you should not force her. She is an adult and has independent behavior ability. I can take responsibility for my life."

   "She's crazy, are you crazy too? That's Yu Xiuzun's child!"

  Su Yiru’s soft face became distorted because of anger.

  As long as she thought of the scene of Ye Zhanxing's tragic death, she couldn't accept it.

"The child is innocent."

"People who are more innocent than him have been killed by Yu Xiuzun! He has the blood of Yu Xiuzun the devil, so you can guarantee that he will not be as crazy as Yu Xiuzun? When the child is born, he will not kill him. Yu Xiuzhun’s death is counted on you? This child will be left with endless troubles!"

  Su Yiru clenched his hands into fists, almost unable to restrain his emotions.

   "I will be responsible for the future of this child." Jin Chenye's eyes flashed, and his lips opened faintly.

  The tone is light, but firm.

  "No matter whose blood he shed, I believe that as long as he grows up in a loving environment, he will be a kind child. No one is born to like to be evil."

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