She and Fifth Chosen arrived late for the wedding, and did not catch up.

   Among those present, Rui Hua was the one who could not understand Qin Youxuan the most.

"Xiao Xuanzi, Rui Wei is right. Uncle’s accident at the wedding was an accident. This wedding is not a continuation of the previous one, but a new beginning. Everything in the single family has passed, even Yu’s family, All have been sanctioned by the law, and there will be no more problems with your wedding."

  Ning Yanan echoed, desperately persuading the uneasy Qin Youxuan.

   "Then why don't you come with me?"

  Qin Youxuan raised her head abruptly, her cat's eyes lit up, and she fixedly looked at the two people sitting in front of her.

   "Yaya, you have given birth to a son to the Jiang family. She is the third youngest grandmother of the Jiang family, but she hasn't even had a wedding yet. It will be laughed at if it is passed on!"


"Rui Hua, if you think about it, you secretly obtained the certificate from Fifth Selectxian. Until now, few people know about it. Look at Fifth Selectxian's peachy face, and you won't worry about it. Are you looking for another woman outside?"


   "So I said, it’s best to get married together. Let's take care of lifelong events together, and we can spend the anniversary together in the future!"

  Qin Youxuan clapped her hands, and was so satisfied with her idea that she wanted to clap her hands and exclaim!

  "Don't don't don't, I think this idea is not good at all!"

  Rui Hua was the first to stand up excitedly from the sofa, wishing to hide behind the sofa.

   stared at Qin Youxuan unwillingly.

  "Don’t you know that I’m waiting for Fifth Chosen to sign and divorce me. Who wants to have a wedding with him?!"

  A man who doesn't want to have a baby with her, she has decided to let the fifth choice free strike out!

   "Neither can I." Ning Yanan said lightly, but her tone was very calm.

   "Rui Wei still said in the past, why are you not doing it anymore?" Qin Youxuan frowned, "Don't tell me that Xiao Jiangnan is too clingy to you now, you will cry for a long time when you come out."

"It's not because of this, it's just that our wedding has already been planned by the Jiang family. The Jiang family is not an ordinary family in China. Based on various considerations, our wedding must be held in China." Ning Yanan looked a little helpless. To Qin Youxuan, all eyes are apologies.

  It is a wonderful thing for two good sisters to have a wedding together.

  Just based on Jiang Haoyan’s traditional concept, I’m afraid it’s hard to pass this level.

   "So in the end I am left alone?" Qin Youxuan's pretty face suddenly collapsed, and she retracted back on the sofa, "None of you should persuade me, I want to be calm and calm by myself."


  The surrounding area became quiet.

   Ye Mingmei, who has been silent, got up from the sofa, walked to Qin Youxuan's side, and took her hand.

   "Sister, can you still behave like this, do you know how much I envy you?"


"I know you don’t want to go into the church because of your father’s affairs, but I’m just the opposite of you. I want to have the opportunity to hold a century wedding with someone I like, so that everyone can witness our happiness. You have this Opportunity, why should we give up?"


   "I have an intuition. If Dad is still there, he will definitely hope to see you get rid of the shadow he left behind and take control of his happiness again.

  The wedding should be the best part of everyone's memory, but the accident turned Qin Youxuan's memory into a nightmare.

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