365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2239: There is no chance to go back

  That kind of fear, no one can bear for her.

  The only thing she can do is to help her face it.

  Only when you really face it, can you have a chance to be relieved.

  "The wedding is only three days old. Are you sure you want to retreat at this time?"


  Qin Youxuan was stunned, and saw Yao walking in from the outside holding a big box and a small box, and stopped in front of Qin Youxuan.

  "Young lady, this is a betrothal gift prepared by Jie Shao. Together with her young lady, it will be delivered to Ye's house today. After the wedding three days later, we will set off from here to pick you up to the church."

  Yao paused and continued.

"The press release has been sent out, and now the entire business circle knows about the wedding. The media are waiting outside the Ye family villa. I don't need to say anything. My grandma doesn't have to think about anything. It's enough to wait for him to pick you up. "

  Everything is ready, Shan Hanjie didn't even give her a chance to go back.

  Qin Youxuan was sent back to the Ye Family Villa with much fanfare amidst the noise of the crowd.

  "There are three days left, what about Tingye?" As soon as Qin Youxuan got in the car, she anxiously wanted to find Tingye.

  "Don't worry, young grandma, the young master is at Jie Shao's place, and will follow the wedding car to pick up the bride at the Ye Family Villa." Yao explained meticulously.


  In other words, if Qin Youxuan escapes marriage temporarily, she can't even see her son?

  Dan Hanjie, you are ruthless!

   "Did Shan Hanjie say whether the wedding was a Chinese or Western process?" Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes blinked, and his lips opened faintly.

  A sly light flashed from the bottom of the eye.

   "Return to my grandmother, no, but I don’t want to talk about it. If my grandmother has any thoughts about the wedding, you can mention it."

  Dan Hanjie means that as long as Qin Youxuan does not want to regret the marriage or escape, Shan Hanjie will be satisfied with how she wants to change the wedding design.

   "I like the combination of Chinese and Western." Qin Youxuan bit her finger, thought for a while, and said suddenly.

   "What do you mean by grandma?"

  "Don’t Shan Hanjie have to enter the church, then the church part will listen to him, but for the welcoming part, we will follow the Chinese custom and let him bring me enough red envelopes and knock on the door!"

  Qin Youxuan said all the requirements in one breath.

  Yao had no time to record with a pen, so he recorded the sound directly and sent it to Shan Hanjie.

  "Young lady, I will listen to you if you talk about it." After a while, Yao answered respectfully.

   "Sisters, have you all heard it?" Qin Youxuan raised her mouth and turned to look at the people in the rear compartment with a smile.

  "Received! Be sure to take care of you!"


Yao's hand holding the steering wheel shook slightly, and he glanced back at the corner of his eyes.

  Jie Shao, you are digging a hole to bury yourself!


  Wedding day.

  Miles clear sky and sunny.

   Thousands of salutes were placed on the square of the church, and the whole church was beautifully decorated with flower ribbons.

  Countless bodyguards tightly guarded the inside and outside of the church.

  However, after waiting for nearly three hours, the bridegroom who set out to welcome the bridegroom, returned with no shadow...

   Outside Ye's Villa.

  A row of guards stopped the car to welcome the relatives outside the gate, all of them big, tall and sturdy.

"Jie Shao, our eldest lady ordered that if you want to pass this door, you have to do a hundred standard push-ups. They are all watching inside. If the number of doings is not enough, or the standard is not enough, you will Don't even think about receiving a bride!"

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