365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2249: A wedding called a miracle

  The whole person was stunned in place, as if all the sanity had been taken away in an instant, Qin Youxuan stared straight at the front.

  Looking at Ye Zhanxing who was walking towards her.

  The people around looked at Ye Zhanxing, who was resurrected from the dead, and took a breath at the same time.

  Su Yiru, who was arranged on the observatory, stood up even more. Before he could speak, tears flowed out first.


   Ye Mingmei’s emotions collapsed in almost a second.

  If she hadn't had a big belly and was inconvenient to move in the crowd, she might have already ran towards Ye Zhanxing at this time.

  Even the media at the scene shifted the focus of the lens from Qin Youxuan to the sudden appearance of Ye Zhanxing.

  The big news that the former president of Ye’s came back from the dead has caught up with the show of the wedding.

  Among all the people, only Qin Youxuan was still stunned.

  Holding the hem of the wedding dress, he just looked at Ye Zhanxing, who was approaching her. With a pair of bright cat eyes, it seemed that he couldn't find the focus, so he looked forward with certainty.

  Has a long time without any response.

   "It seems that I am really older, and even my baby girl can't recognize me." Ye Zhanxing's wheelchair stopped only three meters away from Qin Youxuan, and did not go forward.

  He lifted his head slightly and looked at Qin Youxuan who was sluggish, with a gentle voice, revealing a hint of excitement and joy.

  His baby girl, the worry he can't let go of the most... I didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to take a look again in person.


  Qin Youxuan didn't know how long she froze, and the people around did not urge her, so she waited quietly.

  In my mind, countless pictures are swirling and overlapping...

  Once, the picture she dreamed of most was to have the opportunity to come back.

  She will definitely not hold a wedding so that her father will not die.

   But now, in the same church, witnessed by the same relatives and friends, a miracle appeared in front of her.

  Like a magic barrier, Qin Youxuan can't tell whether it is reality or dreaming.

  She didn't dare to move, she was afraid that when she moved, everything in front of her would become illusory, and the father she wanted to see most would disappear from her.

   "Youxuan, it's Dad." Ye Zhanxing looked at Qin Youxuan, who was too dare to step forward, his resolute face was slightly raised, and he called out softly.

  Looking at her excited and afraid to step forward, Ye Zhanxing couldn't tell the uncomfortable heart.

   Pushing the wheelchair, he was anxious to step forward.


  Qin Youxuan stood there and watched for a few seconds before finally regaining her senses. He ran up with the skirt and threw himself into Ye Zhanxing's arms.

  Hugged him hard with both hands, for fear that as soon as he let go, Ye Zhanxing would be gone again.

   "This is not a dream, this must not be a dream!"

   "Yes, this is not a dream. Dad is still alive. He wants to lead you on the red carpet and watch you get married happily." Ye Zhanxing's eyes were red with emotion.

   raised his head, looked at the guests who were full of the church, and lightly patted Qin Youxuan on the back.

   "Today is your good day, and it is also the happiest day for Dad. Don't cry, be happy, and celebrate that our family can finally be reunited."


  Qin Youxuan touched Ye Zhanxing's warm body and looked at his pale but energetic face. Tears kept falling, and she couldn't help biting her lip.

  "Xiao Xuanzi, it's a good thing that uncle is fine, what are you crying, the makeup is all crying, how can you marry me beautifully?"

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