Ning Yanan stepped forward and wiped her tears anxiously with a tissue.

   has come here, but she can't look back to touch up her makeup. Qin Youxuan's tears can no longer be kept, and she really wants to cry like a little cat.

   "I'm happy." Qin Youxuan opened her mouth, and her tears fell again.

   "Oh, my aunt, Jie Shao asked your uncle to lead you on the red carpet, hoping that you can be happy. You are so full of golden mountains that you are not afraid that he will be angry for a while?"


  Qin Youxuan choked, watching dimly at the waiting guests around her with tears, her eyes fell on Shan Hanjie, who was standing in front of the priest's stage in a suit, her eyes softened.

  The light under the eyes flashed, but there was no sorrow, only full of emotion.

   put down the skirt, wiped his tears with his hand, and turned to Shan Hanjie's direction.

   "The time is almost up, it's time to find the groom." Ning Yanan took a step back and held up the luxurious wedding dress with Rui Wei.

  Fifth Chosen also stepped forward at the right time, pushing Ye Zhanxing's wheelchair.

   Let Ye Zhanxing hold Qin Youxuan's hand smoothly and walk towards Shan Hanjie in front of the red carpet step by step.

  The romantic wedding march slowly sounded in the church. The guests watching the ceremony were all infected by the scene, and many people secretly shed moving tears.

  Perfect facial features, like a carved, handsome figure, wrapped in a black suit, cold and noble.

  Shan Hanjie stood there quietly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, watching his favorite woman in this life walk towards him step by step.

   Seeing the light of happiness in her eyes, he knew that he had won the bet.

  "From today, I will solemnly hand over my most precious daughter to you. I hope that in the future, you can take care of her for me, love her, tolerate her, and the two can live a good life."

  Ye Zhanxing was sitting in a wheelchair, and when he said something, tears were already in his old eyes.

"I will."

  Shan Hanjie took Qin Youxuan from his hand, calmly lifted the white gauze on top of her head, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with long fingers.

   "I said, the name of this wedding today is miracle, do you like it?"


  Qin Youxuan was so touched that she could not speak, and kept nodding her head.

  The petite body rushed into Shan Hanjie's arms and hugged him tightly.

   "Shan Hanjie, thank you..."

   "Fool." Shan Hanjie hugged her sobbing little body, rubbing her little head with big hands.

  He said that his woman must be the happiest woman in the world.

  Shan Hanjie clasped her hand, turned around, looked at the priest on the high platform, and signaled that the ceremony could begin.

  "Mr. Shan Hanjie, would you like to marry Miss Qin Youxuan as your wife, and love her forever..."

  The priest read the wedding vows solemnly, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard quietly.

  As soon as the voice fell, Shan Hanjie took Qin Youxuan's hand, and his deep black eyes were firmly locked on her body.

  One word at a time, "I am willing."

  "Miss Qin Youxuan, would you like to marry Mr. Shan Hanjie and love him forever..."

  The same problem fell on Qin Youxuan. She was choked and speechless, nodding her head vigorously all the time.

"speak out."

  Dan Hanjie held her pretty face and looked at her charming face like a kid.

   "I do... I do!"


  Shan Hanjie took out the wedding ring from the pocket of his coat and put it on for her.

  The ring exchange was over. Before the priest could finish speaking, Qin Youxuan stood on her toes and kissed Shan Hanjie's lips.

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