365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2296: A stranger asks a passerby

   Ye Mingmei's fingers tightened instantly, almost piercing the letter paper in her hand.

  In the past six months, she has kept people looking for it, but she never found news of Yu Xiuzun.

  It's not that she didn't doubt that Yu Xiuzhun had been rescued.


  Even if everyone around her didn't say anything, she knew that in their eyes, Yu Xiuzun was already a dead person.

  It's just that she didn't want to believe it, and she didn't want to believe it. The person who said that she would stay with her for the rest of her life just left.

  Now this letter, like a tiny bit of starlight in despair, brightened her entire night sky for an instant.

  Ye Mingmei was sluggish for several seconds. She repeatedly looked at the content of the letter and made sure that it was not her own illusion. She turned around suddenly, stepped forward and grabbed her mobile phone and bag, and was about to walk out.

  Just about to leave, there was a sudden stop in his footsteps.

  A trace of doubt flashed under his eyes.

   "No, who saved Yu Xiuzun, why is there nothing on it..." Ye Mingmei calmed down from the initial excitement and vaguely realized what was wrong.

  Reopened the envelope in his hand, and carefully read the letter inside.

  Except for a sentence and an address that she has never been to, there is not even a phone number.

   Ye Mingmei bit her lip, as long as she thought that Yu Xiuzhun might still be alive, she couldn't control her excitement.

  Want to grow wings right away and fly to the address on the envelope to take a look.

  But now she is pregnant with a baby, so she must be very careful in every move.

  Hesitated, Ye Mingmei took out the phone from her bag.

  Walking out while calling Jin Chenye.

   "Senior, it's me. I'm sorry to bother you again. I want to go somewhere, I don't know if you can accompany me... OK, then I will wait for you in the parking lot now."

  Hang up the phone, Ye Mingmei breathed a sigh of relief.

   Locked the door and walked towards the parking lot in the community.

  Standing in the most conspicuous position, waiting for Jin Chenye to come over.

"Hello, I am a resident who has just moved here. I would like to ask, where are the three buildings in Area B?" A silver car slowly stopped beside Ye Mingmei, and the driver's window dropped, revealing The face of a strange man.

  A gentle and polite voice, revealing a good upbringing.

  "At the position where you turn right in front, you can see if you drive a little further ahead. There is also a parking lot there. You will be closer if you park there." Ye Mingmei stretched out her hand and touched her belly, smiling and showing him the way.

   Just raised her head, a white mist suddenly sprayed in front of her eyes.

  The next second, the door in front of me opened.

   Ye Mingmei hadn't realized what had happened, she fell into the man's arms as soon as she softened.

   Lost consciousness.

  The man slapped her sideways, quickly put her into the back seat of the car, hit the steering wheel, and drove out in the direction of the exit of the community.


  "The call you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later." A mechanical prompt sounded from the phone.

  Jin Chenye held the steering wheel with one hand, frowning in doubt.

  Called Ye Mingmei again.

  Suddenly a familiar ringtone rang in his ear. Jin Chenye turned his head to look, but there was no sign.

  His eyes fell on a small silver car passing by him. The windows were all closed, and he couldn't see what was in the car.

  The ringtone seems to be coming from the back seat of the car.

  Jin Chenye was slightly startled, and the ringtone went off as soon as he wanted to take another look.

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