365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2297: It's in the car just now!

  Two cars passed by, passing in opposite directions.


  Jin Chenye parked the car in the parking lot. He couldn't get Ye Mingmei's phone number, so he pulled out the car key and walked towards her apartment.

  When I reached the door of the room, I rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

  Jin Chenye looked at the quiet door, and then recalled the scene he had just seen. Something flashed in his mind, but he didn't catch it all at once.

   Folded back to the security booth and asked to view the surveillance video tape at the stairs.

  It was discovered that Ye Mingmei had left the room and even entered the parking lot.

  I was stunned in the parking lot and carried to the car...

   is the silver car he met when he came just now!

  Jin Chen’s pupil tightened, looked for the license plate number, and prepared to call the police when he took out his mobile phone.

   Ye Mingmei usually stays simple and simple, not to mention enmity with people, even the chances of contact with people are very few.

  Looking at this person's arrangement and the timing of choosing to start, it is simply premeditated.

  This is a purposeful kidnapping!


  Jin Chenye’s phone rang before he made the call.

   is a text message from Ye Mingmei.

   To be precise, it was a warning text message sent from her mobile phone.

  【If you don't want Ye Mingmei to be in trouble, you'd better be honest. 】

  Jin Chen got nervous, and quickly entered a message: [What do you want to do? She is just a pregnant woman, if you dare to touch her hair, I will make you regret coming to this world! 】

  【If you want to save Ye Mingmei, go to Shan Hanjie, he knows what we want. 】

  The other party's text messages are also responded quickly, as if they were already prepared.

  If he didn't happen to find him, are they going to find Shan Hanjie directly?

  Jin Chenye grabbed the phone's hand and tightened it abruptly.

  Don't go to Shan Hanjie, he can't guess what the other party is coming from, let alone how to rescue Ye Mingmei.

  The other party has a plan, which means that Ye Mingmei will not be hurt for the time being, and he wants to go to the private villa as soon as possible!

  Jin Chenye put his mobile phone away, stepped his long legs into the driver's seat, started the car, and drove in the direction of the private villa.

  The car crashed into the private villa.

  Jin Chenye pushed the car door straight and walked in the direction of the living room.


  Qin Youxuan was sitting on the ground playing jigsaw puzzles with Ting Ye, and when she saw Jin Chenye hurried out of the car, she blinked her cat's eyes in surprise.

  A tender yellow gauze skirt, Xiao Niao Yiren who sets off her petite body.

  White face, rosy cherry lips.

  Qin Youxuan's bright eyes are as before, rebellious and revealing a hint of clarity.

  On her body, there is no trace left by the years.

  She is already the mother of a child, still pretty as a young girl in her early twenties, walking out of school.

  Jin Chenye shook his mind slightly.

  "Is Shan Hanjie here? I have something to find him." Jin Chenye went straight in.

  Thinking of Ye Mingmei who was taken away, she felt anxious.

   "He is not here, he went to the company early in the morning." Qin Youxuan stood up from the ground and was about to order the housekeeper to serve tea, Jin Chenye reached out and clasped her wrist.

   "Mingmei was taken away. The other party asked me to meet Shan Hanjie, saying that only Shan Hanjie knew what they wanted!"

"what did you say?"

  Qin Youxuan was startled, and immediately raised her head in shock.

  I was sluggish for a few seconds, and a trace of panic flashed across my eyes.

   "Mingmei is pregnant now and will give birth next month. How can someone suddenly take her away at this time?"

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