She thought she would die on the operating table like this, but the shadow of Yu Xiuzun suddenly appeared in front of her. He held her hand so tenderly and told her to stick to it.

  He wants to see their baby with his own eyes.

  At the moment of her nine deaths, Ye Mingmei just gritted her teeth and came through.

  Looking back now, she couldn't believe it herself.

   "Well, you have just given birth, and your body is still very weak. Don't think about anything, take a good night's sleep." Qin Youxuan covered her with a quilt and sat down by the bed.


   Ye Mingmeiyi moved her lips, wanting to say something, and caught a glimpse of Jin Chenye who walked in afterwards, and stopped again.

   smiled at them and signaled that he was okay.

   "The little girl is beautiful and looks like you." Jin Chenye stepped forward, looking at the little guy inside through the incubator.

   Hearing the sound, the little guy who was sleeping with his eyes closed immediately opened his **** eyes, and looked left and right, as if he understood.

   "It's really rare for a little guy to have such a reaction not long after he was born. The cleverness is about to catch up with Tingye!" Rui Wei squeezed forward and couldn't help but marvel.

"I think she was born prematurely, but she is in good health and she doesn't need an incubator at all." Rui Wei turned and glanced at Fifth Chosen. Seeing that he was not speaking, she reached out and lifted the lid and kissed the man who was sleeping in it Little cotton dumplings.

   "Mingmei's daughter, she is so beautiful, so auntie calls you Xiaomei beautiful? Xiaomeimei, everyone's little sister, there will be many people who will love you in the future."

   Rui Hua took Xiao Meimei out of the incubator and put it next to Ye Mingmei.

   "Do you think about her name?"


  Ye Mingmei turned sideways slightly, reached out and hugged her baby girl, looked at her cute and cute appearance, and her eyes were red with excitement.

   Hearing Rui Hua's words, he shook his head gently.

  She wanted to wait for Yu Xiu to come back to get it, but he never came back.

  She thought about many names, but she didn't know if he would like it.

  "Then call Xiao Meimei with you first, and wait until you figure out what to call it." Rui Hua took the words carelessly, removed the incubator, and covered the quilt for the mother and daughter.

   Signaled the others to go out first, so that Ye Ming could rest well.

  The ward was emptied at once.

   Ye Mingmei fell asleep soon.

  In her dream, she saw Yu Xiu again.

  He was standing next to her bed, looking tenderly at Xiao Meimei in her arms.

   Ye Mingmei wanted to talk to him, but she was afraid that once she spoke, Yu Xiuzhun would be gone.

  It's been more than half a year, she wanted to see him in her dream, but never once, he appeared.

  She has a lot of words, a lot of words...want to talk to him.


   Ye Mingmei opened her mouth and suddenly woke up from her dream.

   Once back to God, he immediately looked at his side nervously.

  I was relieved to catch a glimpse of Xiao Meimei still sleeping sweetly.

   His eyes fell into the empty ward, his eyes became lonely.

  Sure enough, it was a dream...

  Since arriving here at Fifth Chosen, this is the second time Ye Mingmei has seen Yu Xiuzun in her dream.

  The feeling that Yu Xiuzun is right next to her is stronger than ever.

   was so strong that even she felt that she had hallucinations.

   Ye Mingmei opened the quilt, wanted to go to the bathroom, just wanted to call someone, and suddenly saw a door on the wall of the ward.

  Is it also a ward next door?

  Who lives?

  Subconsciously, several consecutive questions popped out of her mind.

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