365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2310: Does this painting have any meaning?

  Ye Mingmei's eyes flickered, and she quietly got out of the bed and walked towards the wall.

  Go to the wall and reach out and touch the wall.

  I tried a few times, but I couldn’t push it away.

Is    her illusion?

  Is this just decoration, not a real door?

   "Miss Ye, you are awake." Behind him, the nurse's surprised voice came from not far away, and he saw Ye Mingmei standing by the wall and quickly walked up.

   "The master guessed that you should almost wake up at this time, and ordered the subordinates to come and check your body."

  The nurse looked up at the wall, looked at Shang Ye Mingmei's puzzled look, and turned her head without a trace, pretending that she hadn't noticed anything.

   "Isn't there a door here?"

   Ye Mingmei pointed to the pattern on the wall and looked at the nurse.

   "Of course not. This is just a mural in the ward. The entrance of the ward next door is the same as this ward. They are all on the west side, but here on the south side."

  The nurse was busy explaining to Ye Mingmei.

   Seeing that she just frowned and didn't ask any more, he pulled her back to the ward.

   measured basic data such as blood pressure and pulse for her, and then said, "Miss Ye goes to the bathroom. If the bleeding is not serious, it will be fine."

   "I see." Ye Mingmei stepped towards the bathroom.

  The nurse has been supporting her by her side. She hasn't recovered yet, she walks very slowly, and every step is painful.

   Looking back three times, as if wondering why there is such a strange mural in the ward.

  "My master has always acted only by his own hobbies, and never cared about the worldly vision. This is the experimental building he built, naturally according to his preferences, it is not strange to see anything."

  The nurse saw that Ye Mingmei had been struggling with the mural, and smiled.

   "Ms. Ye has just given birth, and the baby is still under observation. I am afraid that she will stay here for a while. If you don't like it, you can tell the master. If the master allows it, your subordinates can replace you with something else."

   "No trouble, I don't like it, but I'm just a little curious, does this mural have any meaning." Ye Mingmei looked back at the wall again.

  She couldn't tell what it was like, she just felt that the closer she got to the wall, the more emotional she felt.

  It seemed that something was pulling her there.

   But when she leaned against that wall, all the feelings disappeared again.

  "It's just a painting. Such murals can be seen everywhere in the laboratory building. Miss Ye is the first time to come. Maybe she is not used to it. When you can go out for a walk, it will be no surprise." The nurse smiled.

   "Really?" Ye Mingmei glanced at her bright smile, then twitched the corner of her mouth.

   Coming out of the bathroom, Ye Mingmei sat on the side of the bed and picked up the little girl who started to cry.

  "Are you hungry?" Ye Mingmei was at a loss when she was a mother for the first time.

  Looking at the baby waiting to be fed, I don’t know how to hold her to make her comfortable.

  The nurse was very patient. She taught Ye Mingmei to breastfeed her baby. She watched the little guy eat and drink, and leaned in Ye Mingmei’s arms and fell asleep before leaving.

  Ye Mingmei held her daughter who was as soft as cotton in her arms alone, and stroked her delicate eyebrows with long fingers.

  Looking at the fair-skinned little guy, she was throbbing in her heart.

   "Yu Xiuzhun, if you see our daughter, would you like her very much?"


   Ye Mingmei's words fell, and a slight door opened suddenly sounded.

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