"Quickly, let people check, where is the housekeeper who called Rui Hua that day!" Kui Ren is not a fool, and immediately noticed the strangeness after hearing the words of Fifth Chosen.

   "Yes." Several people around Kui Ren rushed back.

  "Master Xian, please come with me and sit in the living room for a while. Adolf’s villa is not big or small. It may take some time to find a hot person."

  Kyuren politely gestured towards the fifth selection.


  Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and he stepped in.

  Not only the people under Kui Ren's hands, but in order to save time, even the fifth-choice staff began to help find people.

  Searched all the villas of Adolf’s house, and finally returned to the living room.

   "The butler is gone, not only his people are missing, but even his room has been evacuated. I am afraid this time, it is not an accident. It is the result of someone's long-planned plan and a concerted inside out!

  The assistant strode back to Fifth Zexian and responded respectfully.


  Fifth Chosen with a wave of his arm, knocked over the tea cup at hand.

   got up from the sofa, turned his head and stared at Kuiren fiercely, "You Adolf’s better pray that she and the child are fine, otherwise I will let you all bury her!"

  After speaking, he strode out of Adolf's house.

   "Master, where are we going now?" The positioning signal on Rui Hua's body has disappeared, and they can't even find someone to start.

  Looking for a needle in a haystack like this is looking for someone in Germany, I'm afraid there will be no news for one or two years.

  Not to mention them looking for them in Germany. Perhaps people have already been sent out of Germany. No matter how they find them, I’m afraid they won’t find them.

  When I think of Rui Wei carrying a child, not only Fifth Chosen is anxious, but even the people around Fifth Chosen are anxious like ants on a hot pot.

  The little master of his own family has not been born yet, so he will suffer such a great ordeal.

  In case of an accident, I don’t know what the master will become.

   "Drive, go to Duke Set's house!"



"Colonel Duke, Fifth Chosen brought a lot of people here, saying that he wanted to see you." The butler of the Celter family hurriedly walked in from the outside and saw Duke sitting on the sofa tasting red wine, respectfully Said.

   "No." Duke paused with his goblet hand, his eyes narrowed, and a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Tell him that the colonel is not free and there are no other people."

   "This... Colonel, the person who came is the fifth choice. If you offend him, I'm afraid someone in the family will make a fuss about this matter." Hearing Duke's words, the housekeeper was embarrassed.

  "Does this family listen to me or you? You can be my lord anytime!" Duke put the goblet heavily on the coffee table, and gave the butler a sideways glance.

   "If I don't see you, I won't see you, get out!"

   "Yes, yes, the subordinates will go out and drive them away." The butler trembled all over, leaned respectfully, and backed away.

   all the way back to the door, without hearing Duke change his mind, shook his head disappointedly, and walked out.

  After a while, the servant who went to spread the word came back.

   Immediately, there was a sound of fighting outside the gate. Before the butler recovered, he saw a group of people outside the gate, following Fifth Zexian, and strode towards him.

  Fifth Chosen walked in the forefront. His black suit outlines his upright figure. The two buttons on his chest are open, revealing a strong and strong chest.

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