His wrist turned slightly, his hand bones creaked, and he saw that he had just moved his hand and warmed up.

  The demon's face, with a glimmer of light from the side, fainted a touch of Ruci's light, but it made him look terrifying.

  Like Shura coming out of hell, he can easily take his life.

  A casual look can make people silent.

  The noble breath, taking a step forward, all reveals a silent aura.

  The bodyguards of the Celter family chased up from behind, but no one dared to step forward rashly. They all stopped tens of meters away.

   "Where is Duke?"

  Fifth Chosen's monster pupil narrowed, reflecting a bloodthirsty light.

  Without waiting for the butler to speak perfunctorily, he stepped forward, reached out his hand to pinch his neck, and lifted the person up.

   "I only ask once, you'd better tell me the truth." Fifth Chosen's wrists pressed slightly, and the housekeeper blushed, his feet started to lift off the ground, and his eyes widened in horror.

  "The colonel is in...in the room upstairs..."


  The fifth Xianxian's arm shook, and he threw the housekeeper onto the sofa and strode upstairs.

  The assistant followed him, quickly letting people control the living room of the Celter's house, and in accordance with Shan Hanjie's previous instructions, notified the staff to come and support.

  Make sure that their back path has not been outflanked, and then hurriedly followed upstairs.

  This is Germany, the site of the Celter family. It is too dangerous for them to break in so hastily.

  But the master can't take care of anything for the sake of Miss Rui Hua.


  Fifth Chosen Xian went upstairs, and was too lazy to ask, kicked the door open, and looked for it from room to room.

"Fifth Xianxian, this is the Celter's house, it's not your turn to be wild here!" Duke looked at Fifth Xianxian who kicked his door open, as if being stepped on in pain, Stand up on the sofa.

"Don't let me go wild, I have been wild so many times, what can you do with me?" Fifth Chosen glanced at his room, did not put Duke in his eyes at all, walked in strode, and ordered People started searching.


Duke was standing in front of the sofa, looking at the people pouring into his room, and rummaged inside and out of his room, his eyes were profound, his hand on his side was clenched into a fist, but he did not suffer a seizure. .

   "Master, I didn't find it. There is no place for Tibetans at all."

  The assistant walked back to Fifth Zexian in disappointment and responded respectfully.

  If even Duke Selter can't find anyone here, they will have nowhere to find someone in the next step.

  Looking at the face of Fifth Chosen, he was on the verge of exploding.

   "Where did you hide Rui Hua?" Fifth Chosen's eyes sterned, and he reached out and grabbed Duke by the collar.

  In Germany, the person who most wants to take Rui Hua away from him is Duke.

  Except for him, Fifth Chosen couldn’t think of anyone else who would be deliberately set up a game, just to lead Rui Hua back to Adolf’s house and then take people away.

   "Your wife is gone, but came to me to find someone, Fifth Chosen, are you too ridiculous?" Duke grabbed his collar and wanted to push Fifth Chosen away.

   Before he could react, Fifth Chosen punched him in the face and knocked him down on the sofa.

   One punch was unhappy, and another punch was made up.

  Firmly pressed Duke on the sofa, gritted his teeth.

  "Don’t pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of me. You think your plan is perfect, but unfortunately, if you don’t hand it over to me, I will be able to abolish you now!"

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