365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2335: Go now, be sure to hurry!

"I think Ruiwei should be in Germany, and the fifth choice is so skeptical, but he has no time to confirm, and he has gone to Sweden, the German talents will relax, so we can find Ruiwei's whereabouts more easily. !"

  Shan Hanjie's thin lips tightened, and he pondered for a while, "You mean, you suspect that Rui Wei is in Duke's hands, and someone in Sweden will take away the fifth choice. Is it the result of cooperation between the two parties?"

   "Yes!" Qin Youxuan nodded vigorously, and firmly grasped Shan Hanjie's arm.

"You think, kidnap Rui Hua, Duke wants to get Rui Hua, how can he hand over people to Sweden? In contrast, Sweden will care more about the fifth choice, after all, the fifth choice. His reputation and ability are enough to make anyone jealous and want to get rid of them quickly."

   Under such circumstances, the Swedish side has already agreed to Duke's request, using Rui Wei as the bait, with the goal of taking the life of the fifth choice.

  After the death of Fifth Chosen, Duke no longer has to worry about anyone taking Rui Hua from him.

  I just don’t know. When Duke calculated these, did he think that Rui Hua was pregnant.

  If he didn’t know beforehand, he found out after he caught Rui Hua, I’m afraid Rui Hua’s pregnancy will give him a lot of excitement.

  Duke likes Rui Hua, he will not hurt Rui Hua, but the child in Rui Hua’s belly is hard to protect!

   "Shan Hanjie, we will go to Germany right away. I bet Ruihua is in Duke's hands. We need to find her as soon as possible. I am worried about the baby in her belly!"

  "Don't panic, I will let people stare at Duke now." Shan Hanjie looked at Yao, and Yao immediately ordered to go down.

  The group of people rushed to Germany without any delay.


   Celtic home.

a mess.

  From the door of the villa, it spreads to the room of the villa.

  Everywhere, it was turned over by the fifth idler in a mess.

  Duke was standing on the balcony, his dark eyes slowly sweeping over the servants who were cleaning up under the villa, his eyes were unstoppable hatred.

   With both hands on the balcony armrests, blue veins appear on the back of the hands.

  Fifth Chosen is like the nemesis in his life.

  When he was not there, Rui Wei had always been close to him, this senior, and he always thought that they would be together in the end.

   But this kind of fate was ruined by the sudden appearance of the fifth choice.

   "Colonel, the people of the fifth choice are gone, and the people who followed secretly said that he went to Sweden alone." The housekeeper hurriedly entered the room, stood behind Duke, and reported respectfully.

   "Hmph, this time, he will definitely go and never return." Duke turned around, his eyes shone like a snake-like cold bird.

  I caught a glimpse of the butler’s stunned look, and seemed to realize that he had said too much, his eyes flickered, and his expression returned to calm.

   "Tell them to clean up quickly. Before my father comes back, they must restore this place. If there is nothing else, it will not be used to disturb me."

   "Yes, Colonel."

  The butler respectfully leaned over and exited the room.

  In the room, it became quiet for a moment.

  Duke waited for a while, and when the villa was almost cleaned, he turned around and entered his study.

  Find the mechanism on the bookshelf and press it firmly.


  The bookshelf close to the wall began to move slightly to the sides.

   Soon, a secret door was opened on the wall that was enough for one person to pass through.

  Duke’s mouth, a ghostly smile slowly appeared...

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