He turned his head and glanced behind him, made sure that no one had come in, and quickly stepped into the secret door.

   bypassed the open space in front, and a small secret room appeared in front of him.

  In a small room less than ten square meters, there is a bed and a small coffee table.

  On the opposite side of the bed, there is no sofa, but a chair is placed.

   With a slender figure, she fell asleep quietly on the bed, heard the footsteps, and opened her eyes slightly.

   Seeing the person who walked in, Rui Wei was taken aback, and immediately sat up.

  She has clear eyes, her knees are bent, and her whole body is defensive.

   "Senior, what on earth do you want to do?" Rui Wei hesitated for a second, but still said lightly.

  The tone is neither cold nor hot, or even anger is not heard.

  It seems that it was not Duke who took her here, but politely invited her to come as a guest.

  Such a calm tone made Duke also startled, and then looked down at her.

  I caught a glimpse of her slightly bulging abdomen, and her eyes instantly stung!

   Realizing that Duke is looking at her belly, Rui Wei's hand on her side fisted into a fist, resisting anxiety, did not reach out to protect her belly, but looked at Duke nonchalantly.

  Pretends that nothing happened.

  Duke is her senior, they have known each other for many years.

  When training together, she was taught by Duke. When confronting a stronger opponent than yourself, if you are not sure of winning, don't rush to reveal your cards.

  If you don’t want to be hurt, the more you have to stay calm, and don’t let your anger and accusations irritate the other person and make aggressive behaviors.

  In normal times, Rui Hua must have been swearing at this time.

  But she is now locked in this dark place alone, except for an incandescent lamp, she can't see any scene outside.

  Want to protect herself and her baby, she can't irritate Duke.

  In addition to finding a way to save herself, she also has to give herself enough time to wait, wait for Fifth Xianxian to find her missing, and wait for Fifth Xianxian to come and rescue her and the baby.

"Rui Hua, do the math. We have known each other for many years. When I first transferred back to Germany, do you know how happy I was?" Duke's gaze slowly moved from her stomach to Rui Hua's face. .

   "I thought that fate arranged for us to meet again, because it had other hints."


   Rui Hua raised her head unexpectedly, met Duke's affectionate eyes, and was stunned.

  What he meant by...


"You should know that what I want to be the most is not just your senior!" Duke stepped forward, reached out his hand and woked Rui Hua's shoulder, his tone was excited, "If it weren't for the fifth choice to take a free time to grab love, You should be mine at this time!"

   "What are you talking about? I don't understand." Rui Wei's eyes were confused, staring at Duke whose face instantly became squalid, and subconsciously stepped back, trying to avoid him.

  Duke liked her, she didn't even feel it at all.

  Hearing his confession, Ruihua didn't feel any joy in his heart, only full of anxiety.

  At first, she couldn't understand why Duke had to try to trick her into coming here. Now that she heard him say such a thing, her head was even more shocked.

   "Senior, I am married, and with a baby, you deserve a better girl."

"I only want you!" Duke held her hand tightly, "Rui Hua, you don't want to leave Fifth Xianxian, I can help you, as long as Fifth Xianxian dies, you can get rid of him forever. Up!"

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