365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2355: He doesn't have much time

   "Where is he now?"

  Fifth Xianxian turned and walked towards the elevator. The assistant hurriedly followed and pressed the elevator.

   "Because Miss Ye wanted to enter the next ward several times, and Yu Shao's condition worsened, the team has transferred him to the A3 ward."

Ward   A3 and Ye Mingmei’s ward are also on the same floor, but in another direction.

  In addition to the unopened secret path, going to the A3 patient number is more troublesome than the previous ward, but it is less likely to be found by others.

   "Master, my subordinates heard that after going to the A3 number, Yu Shao's vital characteristics have been significantly weakened, and there is no more physical activity."

  "When will he change the ward? Why didn't anyone tell me?!" Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and the whole person's breath became cold.

The reason why   Yun Xiuzun can be strong depends on his own willpower.

  The source of these willpower is Ye Mingmei’s mother and daughter.

  Far away from Ye Mingmei and his daughter, he can't hear the baby's crying, and he will definitely not react!

   "Master, you were not there at the time..." The assistant trembled and said weakly.


  Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, only to remember that he had gone to Sweden before, and his mind was full of Rui Huo's safety, and he couldn't care about Yu Xiu.

  This is really a bad thing!

   "Send Yu Xiuzhun to the original ward. In addition, call the team together for me, and I will do a physical examination for him again."

   "Yes, the subordinates will do it now."

  The elevator stopped on the top floor, and the assistant hurried out.

  Fifth Chosen paused in his footsteps, then stretched out his hand to tidy up the suit on his body, and stepped towards Ye Mingmei's ward.

  As soon as he walked outside the door, he saw Shan Hanjie leaning against the door.

   "I thought you forgot him." Shan Hanjie's evil eyes narrowed slightly, and fell on the expressionless face of Fifth Chosen.

   did not name and surname, but they were both people who knew well.

   "I heard Jiang Jinchen said that the Yu family's power in Southeast Asia has been divided, but most of them have been taken over by the Jiang family, and they are gradually being washed out." Fifth Chosen said inexplicably.

  "You have just met Jiang Jinchen, you should know better than me." Shan Hanjie did not answer the question.

  Hesitated for two seconds, then looked up, "Do you want him to help?"

   "Yu Xiuzhun's best treatment period has been missed, I can only go to the side and try my best." Fifth Chosen bluntly stepped forward and looked in through the cracks of the unclosed door.

  Looking at the joyful scene inside, I got a slight piercing in my heart.

  If Ye Mingmei knew that Yu Xiuzhun's life was hanging by a thread, I am afraid that all these happy scenes would instantly turn into phantoms.

"what do you want me to do?"

  Shan Hanjie frowned, but did not react too surprised.

  Fifth Chosen is just a doctor. It's not surprising that he can't do things.

  Life and death are fate, they can only do their jobs.

  If Yu Xiuzun really died because of Duke’s tricks and missed the treatment period, that would be his life.

   Fortunately, Ye Mingmei didn't know that Yu Xiuzun was still alive, she was living close to her, so they didn't need to worry about how to explain it.

  "There is a kind of herbal medicine in Southeast Asia, to be precise, it is a poisonous weed, which has a miraculous effect on stimulating the nerve center, but it can only be found in the primitive rain forest, and it is fast. He does not have much time."

  The most important thing is that when he traveled in his early years, he heard the local residents mention it, but he had not seen it with his own eyes.

  May not exist at all...

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