The shape and color of the herbal medicine, Fifth Chosen is just hearsay.

  At this time, let Jiang Jinchen lead someone to find it, just a gamble.

  If the bet is won, Yu Xiuzun will have a chance to live; if the bet is lost, he can only resign himself to fate.

  Shan Hanjie is the person who knows Fifth Chosen the best. If it were not for nothing, he would never use this tone to ask him to help find medicine.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dazzled, "I will immediately let someone inform Jiang Jinchen, so that he can take someone to find the medicine as soon as possible."

   "I hope I can make it in time."

  Fifth choose Xian's faintly opened lips, the silver-white Zitong passed a dim light, and stepped into the ward.

  Not long after, she strode out with Xiao Meimei in her arms.

  The little girl half-closed her eyes, a little drowsy.

  The big beautiful eyes became shiny again when they saw Fifth Chosen.

  I haven't seen it for more than half a month, but I'm not afraid of seeing it.

   grinned, and smiled at the fifth option.

   Pushing on both calves, he looked very cheerful, as if he knew that he would be able to see Dad soon.

  Fifth Chosen turned his head and glanced at Shan Hanjie. Seeing that he had not spoken, he went straight into the next ward with the little cotton dumpling in his arms.

   "Master, this is Yu Shao's latest inspection report." The assistant has waited respectfully in it, holding the team's latest inspection report on behalf of Yu Xiu.

   "Sure enough, as the master expected, after returning to this ward, Yu Shao's health is a little better, and his vital signs have been significantly improved, but I am afraid it is still a bit difficult to wake up."


  Fifth Chosen hadn’t spoken yet, Xiao Meimei in his arms made a sound.

  The small hand was clenched into a fist, and he leaned hard against his mouth, as if to chew his finger.

   found that Fifth Chosen looked at her, and the corners of her mouth raised, as if she smiled embarrassedly.

  Fifth choose leisurely chest shocked.

   Reasonably tell him that a baby less than one month old will not even remember his appearance, let alone be embarrassed.

   But looking at Xiao Meimei's big watery eyes, he intuitively felt that the cleverness of this little girl was not accidental.

"If you can really understand what I'm saying, it's fine. Can you wake up your dad? It's up to you." Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, stepped forward, and placed the baby in the swaddle. Yu Xiuzhun's side.

  The little girl blinked her big eyes, looking curiously at a strange and familiar place, as if trying to tell if the person around her was a dad.

   stared hard at the corner of his eyes, but could only see a little bit, and clenched his fists in a hurry.

  Fifth, when she saw it, she gently raised her side with a pillow, allowing her to turn around slightly to see Yu Xiuzun’s side face clearly.

  "Go and get the camera." The fifth option opened his lips suddenly.

   "Yes." The assistant was taken aback, looked at him unexpectedly, and then put the report down and turned around.

   Soon, the assistant brought the camera.

  A complete set of photography equipment, including the tripod.

  The fifth Xianxian didn't say much, and motioned to the assistant to set up the camera frame in front of the hospital bed, and walked to the front to adjust the lens.

  Wait until everything is ready before pressing the switch.

  Xiao Meimei is still a few days away, and the full moon is approaching.

  In a few days, Ye Mingmei will take her away.

  If Yu Xiu can't wake up, this is probably the last time he has been so close to his daughter, and get along so quietly.

  Perhaps I am going to be a father, and Fifth Chosen has a lot of soft things in his heart.

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