The familiar breath returned to the feeling in an instant, as if she had just had a dream.

  Ye Mingmei looked crazy from the wards at the end.

  Intuitively told her that Yu Xiuzhun must be here, not far from her.

  Why didn’t he come out to see her? Why not come out and see their daughter?


   Ye Mingmei found three wards in a row, all of which were empty.

There is nothing in    except for instruments.

  Slumped down on the ground, hugging his knees with his hands, couldn't help crying.

  Is she thinking wrong?

  Or is she too trying to get accurate, so that she will have hallucinations and think that he is by her side?

   Ye Mingmei didn’t know how long she sat before she stood up again by supporting the wall.

   He staggered back to his ward.

  The nurse has left, and there is no one in her ward.

   Ye Mingmei was sluggish for a few seconds, looked around in the huge ward, and searched for every possible place for Tibetans.

  I went through all the boxes and cabinets with clothes.

  In the end, she was disappointed holding the messy clothes, tears streaming down her face.

  She is really daydreaming, how could Yu Xiuzun be by her side.

  She is crazy, so she feels that he is by her side.


  Ye Mingmei frantically pulled the clothes in her hands, held her head in pain, fell to the ground, curled up into a ball.

  Tears blurred his eyes.

  In a daze, there seemed to be a tall and handsome figure in front of him.

   Ye Mingmei suddenly raised her head, but Yu Xiuzhun disappeared from her eyes.

   Ye Mingmei stared at the wall fixedly.

  The door-like mural is particularly conspicuous.

  She watched on the ground for a long time, but did not move.

  She visited the ward next door not long ago, but it was just a piece of dark glass, and she couldn't see anything at all.

  No one there...

  But this mural always gives her an indescribable feeling.

   Ye Mingmei got up, stepped forward, and stretched out her hand to fumble carefully on the wall.

   "Miss Ye, what are you doing?"

  The fifth Xianxian’s assistant didn’t know when he walked into the ward, and in his arms, she hugged Xiao Meimei who was sleeping soundly.

   Seeing Ye Mingmei, whose whole person was almost sticking to the wall, opened her puzzled lips.


   Ye Mingmei's body stiffened, she quickly reached out her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and then walked forward and hugged Xiao Meimei from the arms of her assistant.

   didn't explain her abnormal behavior, holding her daughter, as if holding her own treasure, walked to the bed and put it on carefully.

   softly coaxed her body, like Xiao Meimei who was about to be awakened.

  When the assistant saw this, he didn't say much, glanced at the wall that Ye Mingmei had just touched, and stepped out of the ward.


time flies.

  In a blink of an eye, Xiao Meimei is full of the moon.

   Early in the morning, Ye Mingmei got up and sat quietly on the side of the crib, looking at her baby daughter who was sleeping peacefully.

  In the calm eyes, no emotion can be seen.

  "Are everything packed?"

  Su Yiru only appeared at about ten in the morning, walked to Ye Mingmei and called her a few times, but Ye Mingmei did not respond.

  Su Yiru twisted her eyebrows, patted her shoulder uneasy, and shouted again, "Mingmei, what's wrong with you?"

"……It's nothing."

   "What are you thinking? I'm so absorbed in thinking that I can't even hear my mother calling you." Su Yiru touched her forehead with pity, and was relieved to make sure she was not sick.

   Sit next to her and hold her hand.

  "Don’t tell your mother that it’s okay. You are the one I grew up watching. You have something on your mind and you can’t hide it from my eyes."

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