"Mom, do you believe that there is a soul after death?" Ye Mingmei's eyes flashed, and his lips opened faintly.

  In addition to thinking like this, she couldn't think of any other explanation.

  Why did she always feel that Yu Xiuzun was by her side, but she searched all the places she could find, but couldn't see his shadow.

  Except in the dream, she can touch his existence, she has no way to see Yu Xiuzun.

   But even so, she still can’t explain why she can feel the breath of Yu Xiuzun only in the fifth choice of leisure.

  She wanted to tell Su Yiru that she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay where she could dream of Yu Xiuzun and feel his existence.

   But she was afraid, afraid that everyone would think she was crazy.

  Xiao Meimei is still young, and it is impossible to stay in a hospital building forever.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, well, what are you talking about? You are going to be discharged from the hospital now!" Su Yiru held her hand tightly, and looked nervously at Ye Mingmei, whose face was not right.

  Hearing her say such a thing, I was afraid she would not think about it.

   "I'm just asking." Ye Mingmei raised her head quietly, looking at Su Yiru calmly.

  Even her hand was pinched by her, but she didn't say a word.

  Su Yiru felt relieved when she saw her saying this, “No one knows if there is a soul, but even if there is a soul, it’s impossible for people and ghosts to be together.”

  "Mrs. Ye, Miss Ye, everything is packed. I have already got the car. The car is waiting downstairs. Jie Shao and they are all downstairs. Do you want to leave now?"

  The nurse walked in from outside and asked respectfully.

   "It's all right so soon..."

   Ye Mingmei murmured to herself, looking at the ward she had been living in for a month, she felt a deep sense of reluctance in her heart.

  "The hospital is a bad place. Everyone can't wait to leave early. It's okay for you. I feel addicted. Let's go. Mom will hold the little girl for you." Su Yiru said, walking forward and hugged Xiao Meimei in the crib.

  He didn't give Ye Mingmei too much time to hesitate, so she let her out of the ward.

  Until she walked into the elevator, Ye Mingmei was totally out of her mind.

  Looking at the ward farther and farther away from her, I only felt that Yu Xiuzun was also farther and farther away from her...


  The elevator has arrived.

  Ye Mingmei's footsteps stopped, and she didn't want to go up.


  As if feeling parting breath, Xiao Meimei, who was still asleep just now, suddenly burst into tears.

   "Let's go, even Xiao Meimei is crying." Su Yiru didn't understand, so when he heard Xiao Mingmei, he urged Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei hesitated for a few seconds, and finally got on the elevator.

   took her daughter from Su Yiru, looked at her with a small face that resembled Yu Xiuzun, and pointed her cheek.

  This is the best gift Yu Xiuzun left her.

  Ye Mingmei watched the elevator door slowly close in front of her eyes, as if she was hollowed out for a moment...


  In the dimly lit ward.

  The tall and tall figure of Fifth Chosen stood in front of the window sill, looking at the car under the laboratory building, and saw Ye Mingmei’s mother and daughter getting in the car. The strange pupil flashed slightly and turned to look at Yu Xiuzun on the hospital bed.

  On the hospital bed, Yu Xiuzhun was still asleep quietly.

   Handsome face, deep facial features, in the shimmer, perfect.

  The prolonged coma made his face pale, but it did not damage his noble aura of righteousness and evil.

  Yu Xiuzhun, your wife and daughter are leaving, are you not in a hurry?


  The door of the ward was pushed abruptly, and the assistant hurriedly walked in, with excitement and joy on his face.

  "Master, I found it! Jiang Sanshao just sent a message that the herbs we want have been found!"

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