365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2368: The Secret of Two People (1)

  Looking down again, most of the character sketches have been drawn, but there is no face...

   Before Xiao Meimei was born, Yu Xiuzhun had disappeared. She never had a chance to meet her father, so how could she know how his father looked like?

  In the past few years, let alone let Xiao Meimei look at the photos of Yu Xiuzun, Ye Mingmei herself has never dared to look at it.

  She desperately used her work to paralyze herself, not to let her think about it, but she also forgot that Xiao Meimei was still young, and it was when she needed her parents to be by her side.

   "Yu Xiu can't come back, are you going to take Xiao Meimei with you like this?"

  Su Yiru's words suddenly rushed into her ears again, and Ye Mingmei was uncomfortable in her heart.

She never thought that Zhun Yu would never come back. In her heart, she would rather believe that Zhun Yu was just missing, even if she would never think of their mother and daughter in this life, but as long as he could live well in the world A certain corner of it is enough.

   But Su Yiru’s words hit the most unforgettable place in her heart.

  She can never marry forever, but what about Xiao Meimei?

  Daughter is so young, can she accept that she will never have a father in her entire life?

  Not even a sketch can be drawn.

   A low mutter came from the bed, Ye Mingmei paused with the drawing paper hand, and hid behind her nervously.

   raised her head and looked over, only to realize that it was Xiao Meimei who turned over and rolled the quilt into her arms, she was holding the quilt and didn't know what she was muttering.

   Ye Mingmei's eyes softened, put the drawing paper on the table, and walked over.

   was about to cover the quilt for Xiao Meimei, her mouth moved, and she whispered again.


  Ye Ming's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she leaned close to her mouth.


  Small Meimei chirped her mouth, whispered softly, and it spread to Ye Mingmei's ears, which made her ears tremble.

  The hand supporting the bed suddenly tightened the sheets.

   Ye Mingmei burst into tears almost instantly, turned her back, and hurriedly walked into the bathroom, for fear of awakening Xiao Meimei in her dream.

  She always thought that Xiao Meimei stopped asking her to ask her father after she was sensible, because the child forgets about sex.

  I never thought about it, maybe it was just because my daughter was too sensible, for fear that she would be unhappy.

  Even an assignment, because it is related to her father, Xiao Meimei can't draw it, so she dare not let her know.

  Recalling how Xiao Meimei had been tightly guarding her schoolbag all day, Ye Mingmei could not breathe with chest pain.

   Ye Mingmei walked to the table, and then saw the "My Dad" drawing paper, her eyes became complicated.

  Xiao Meimei doesn’t like kindergarten, does it have something to do with not having a father?

  She said that her classmates don’t like to play with her. Is it because of this?

   Thinking of this possibility, Ye Mingmei clenched her hands into fists tightly.

  With the Ye family, she can give her daughter a very generous life, and Xiao Meimei is also very sensible and never arrogant and self-willed.

  But, she can only give her daughter a father.

   "Yu Xiu, what should I do..."

  Ye Mingmei slipped off the sofa, hugged her knees with both hands, and looked forward blankly.


  The morning sun is bright and dazzling, and the warmth slowly spreads across the earth with the floating light spots.

  "Move faster, not only on this side, but also on the other side. Drag the ground again. Children like to run around, but don’t slip and fall..."

   "By the way, have you started preparing the snacks in the kitchen? Let them do more. Children at this age are growing up. It is good to eat more..."

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