365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2369: The secret of two people (2)

   "There is still lunch, let's start preparing now..."

  Early in the morning, Su Yiru was standing in the living room, busy setting out.

  When I think of important guests coming over today, I can’t even close my mouth with a smile.

   "Mom, what are you doing so early?" Ye Mingmei didn't fall asleep all night. She was a little sleepy in the morning when she was awakened by the noise outside, rubbing her eyes and walked out of the room.

   "Xiao Meimei is not awake yet?" Su Yiru glanced at Ye Mingmei's back, but did not see Xiao Meimei, her eyes narrowed.

   stepped forward and took Ye Mingmei to sit on the sofa.

  "Don't worry about what I am busy with, I will ask you, what did you think about what Mom said to you yesterday?"

"what's up?"

  Ye Mingmei's eyes flickered, and she turned her head a little evasively.

   Just about to stand up from the sofa, Su Yiru pulled it hard and almost fell back.

"Don’t pretend to be stupid. I discussed with your dad yesterday. Mr. Jin’s conditions and character are all chosen from a thousand. As long as he says he wants to get married, I’m afraid this team will be able to line up to the Pacific. Why don't you care?!"

  Su Yiru's grumble hate that iron cannot be made of steel.

   "Keeping a life-and-death Yu Xiuzhun, can you eat as a meal? Can you take good care of Xiao Meimei? You just don't think for yourself, but also for my granddaughter!"

   "Mom, it's not that I don't care, but the senior does not have me in his heart. I have said many times that he has someone he likes." Ye Mingmei moved her buttocks, pressing her temples with a headache.

  The relationship between her and Jin Chenye was frozen when he knew that the person Jin Chenye liked was Qin Youxuan.

  They are just good friends now...

  Just these words, Ye Mingmei didn't know how to tell Su Yiru.

  What's more, Jin Chenye would not want these things to be known to others.

   "How can you know that it's impossible if you don't work hard?" Su Yiru just didn't give up. "If Mr. Jin really likes someone, how could it be possible that he hasn't gotten married for so many years? Don't think I'm old and you're so fooled."


"Okay, you don't like to listen to me if I say too much. In short, I just want to tell you that you are still young. At this age, you think that you will live a lifetime by yourself. You are too hard-hearted. That is, if you don't need a husband, you have never thought about being small. Meimei wants a dad?"


   Ye Mingmei's eyes slowly darkened.

   Su Yiru’s words undoubtedly pierced her most vulnerable place.

  Recalling the drawing paper I saw before going to bed last night, Ye Mingmei's hands on her knees tightened silently.


   A soft sound came from the door, and Su Yiru's tight face instantly became relieved.

   turned her head and looked at Xiao Meimei, who was walking out of the room while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

   stepped forward and picked her up.

   "Why did you wake up so early, did you sleep well last night?"

   "Hmm!" Xiao Meimei nodded vigorously, and then smiled sweetly.

  As soon as he approached the sofa, he crawled from Su Yiru's arms to Ye Mingmei's side and raised his head.

   "Mom, did the fifth uncle come to see me?"

  "Not yet, but soon, Xiao Meimei wants to be the fifth uncle, right?" Ye Mingmei reached out and took her daughter into her arms, tidying up her small pajamas.

  Finger touched her delicate face.

   "I really want to, the fifth uncle said that he would bring me a gift this time when he came to see me." Xiao Meimei said with a smile.

  'S crystal eyes are full of expectation, as if thinking about what gift the fifth Xianxian will bring her.

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