365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2453: Betrayed by your medicine

  Ye Mingmei thought about it seriously, and shook her head disappointedly, “No, he said that he is not Yu Xiuzun, and except for that face, he is nothing like him. Yu Xiuzhun will not be like him...with a gentle manner.

   Ye Mingmei has always firmly believed that Bai Zheng is not the reason why Yu Xiuzun is not. It is these four words: gentle and gentle.

  Yun Xiuquan has an arrogant personality, arrogant and self-confident. In him, he will always show strength and dignity that people cannot ignore.

   But Bai Zheng gave her a very different feeling, calm and gentle... Except for that face, she couldn't find the similarities between the two people.

   and the smell on him, which is also different from Yu Xiuzhun.

  The faint scent of medicine on Baizheng's body is the same as soaking in a medicine jar, with a special fragrance in it.

   "Wait a minute, did you say that he has the smell of medicine?" Su Yiru caught a trace of the abnormality, suddenly widened his eyes, and asked Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei was startled, and then she realized that she had said what she was saying in her heart just now.

   looked at Shang Su Yiru's excited eyes, and nodded blankly, "Is there any problem?"

   "Of course there is!"

  Su Yiru's face changed, and she looked at Ye Mingmei with a hatred of iron and steel, "You forgot how Yu Xiuzun disappeared back then?"


"If you think about it, Yu Xiuzhun was injured so badly back then, but he was not missing. He was sent to the hospital. It is a blessing to be able to get his life back. I am afraid that it will take a long time to recover from illness. What's wrong?"

  Su Yiru paused, then continued.

"He was seriously injured and fell into the sea. If he hits his head, loses his memory, and forgets your mother and daughter, it is not impossible! What's more, you were only pregnant when Xiao Meimei was not born yet. Yu Xiu can't It's normal to know that I have a daughter!"


  Ye Mingmei looked at Su Yiru, her eyes were full of entanglement, and her heartbeat was constantly intensifying, which would exceed her tolerance at any time.

  I just imagined that Yu Xiu was not dead. The blood in her body seemed to be boiled, constantly boiling in her body!

  She got up from the sofa, nervously walking back and forth in the living room, rubbing her arms hard with her hands, seriously recalling the first time she saw Bai Zheng.

   There is no surprise in Bai Zheng's eyes, he behaves normally, but it seems that since the first meeting, he has been talking about Yu Xiuzun.

  Even, even asked her about her relationship with Yu Xiuzun.

  At the time, she believed that he was not Yu Xiuzun, so she was disgusted, now thinking about it, he may not be, maybe, it's just that he has forgotten who he once was!

   Ye Mingmei took a deep breath, turned back to the room, carried the bag, turned around and was about to go out.

   "Mingmei, it's so late, where are you going at this time?" When Su Yiru saw her expression was wrong, she hurriedly followed and stopped the person.

"Mom, I'm going to find him. I want to find him and ask why he forgot about me and our Xiao Meimei. Does he know how I spent the past three years and how much Xiao Meimei wants? A dad?"

   Ye Mingmei growled out of control, tears slipping from the corner of her eyes, she turned her head subconsciously.

   "If he really has amnesia, it's no use going to him now, it's too late, what's the matter, we will talk about it tomorrow..."

   "I can't wait for a second." Ye Mingmei pushed Su Yiru away and walked out firmly.

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