365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2454: I can protect my mother when he grows up

   "Mingmei, calm down!"

Su Yiru caught up with Ye Mingmei, who was excited, and took a deep breath before speaking, "You said you want to find him, but what you know is the past Yu Xiuzun, not the current Bai Zheng, you Where are you going to find him? Do you know where he lives now? Who are the people around him?"


   Ye Mingmei's body stiffened, and a trace of loneliness floated under her eyes.

  Yes, she doesn’t even know if Bai is exactly Yu Xiuzun, let alone where he lives and where is she going to find someone?

"I heard your dad's call. He is also paying attention to this person and is sending people to investigate. Your dad is in poor health. He has fallen asleep at this time. Wait until tomorrow morning. Ask him again. Decided."

  Su Yiru patted the back of Ye Mingmei’s hand, “It’s getting late, you don’t think about it for yourself, you should also think about it for Xiao Meimei. What if you even break down, what do you do if you let her be a three-year-old child?”


  Thinking of her daughter's pure and clean face, Ye Mingmei's fingers became cold every inch, and the excitement just disappeared.

  She turned around, stepped stiffly, and walked to her room.

  Straight back, trying to hide his sorrow, but becoming more and more lonely.

  I didn't dare to make myself cry until I entered the room.


  Xiao Meimei's small body got out of the bed, rubbing her big ignorant eyes, looking at Ye Mingmei who was leaning against the door.

   Ye Mingmei found that she had awakened Xiao Meimei, and quickly reached out to dry her tears, pretending that there was nothing, walked to the bed, and touched Xiao Meimei's delicate face.

   "Sorry, did your mother wake you up?"

  Xiao Meimei shook her head obediently, "Does it hurt mom? It won't hurt after a kiss."

  Xiao Meimei said, her mouth pursed, and she kissed Ye Mingmei on the cheek, and her soft hand held Ye Mingmei's face, giving serious comfort.

  "Mom is not afraid, Xiao Meimei will grow up soon. When I grow up, I can protect my mother!"


  Ye Ming's tears, which were not easy to stop, came to her eyes again in an instant.

  Looking at Xiao Meimei, who was exceptionally sensible at a young age, she couldn't tell.

  She took Xiao Meimei into her arms and rubbed her little head with her big hand, "Mom is fine, you go to bed quickly, and when you wake up, your Uncle Jin will come and pick you up to the amusement park."

   "Then mom sleeps too." Xiao Meimei moved her little butt, and let her side out.

   "Okay." Ye Mingmei's eyes flickered, and she lay down beside her, reaching out to turn off the lights in the room, leaving only the dim night lights.

  I don’t know how long it took, and gradually there was a sound of even breathing around her. Ye Mingmei reached out and turned on the bedside lamp, turned her head to look at Xiao Meimei who was asleep, and gently turned over and sat up.

  I kept thinking about what Su Yiru said in my mind, and I couldn't calm down at all, let alone sleep.

   Ye Mingmei tiptoedly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, took a pillow, and quietly walked to the balcony.

   Leaning on the tatami on the balcony, quietly looking at the night sky, waiting for dawn.

  I just looked at it for a while, suddenly felt heavy eyelids, and fell asleep without realizing it.

  In the heavy night, a black figure slowly appeared, with a deep gaze, staring firmly at Ye Mingmei who was sleeping on the tatami.

  Looking at her thin body, curled up into a helpless sleeping position, Bai Zheng held tightly in his heart.

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