"She just has a relatively independent personality, not without a childlike innocence. She is only two and a half years old. She also likes to play. She likes to be accompanied by her parents. It's just that you are too busy and she can see too little time. Over time, you will naturally become It’s hard to get close if you don’t want to get close."

  Bai Zheng stepped forward, walked to the window, propped his arms on the window sill, and stood side by side with Fifth Selection.

  Looking at the stunned Fifth Chosen, continue to speak.

"When I wanted to be with Xiao Meimei, God didn’t give me this opportunity, so I’ve tried everything I can to make up for it, but you always have the opportunity to take care of your daughter, but you’ve wasted it in vain. It looks like It’s like Youyou doesn’t like you. In fact, she just doesn’t like her father being too busy, and she never has time to spend time with her and her mother."

The fifth choice was stunned for a long time before squinting, "Who said this? If you want me to accompany her, she won’t be upset every time I approach her. I don’t want to accompany her, yes. I will be really happy when I am not in her, she doesn't need me at all."

When   Yu Xiuzhun first sent him here, he was really busy. People whose lives are on the line want to keep their lives, not just casually.

   Later, Yu Xiuzhun's condition was stable, and Ye Mingmei gave birth to Xiao Meimei.

  Next is the birth of Youyou. Shortly after Youyou was born, Yu Xiuzun’s condition deteriorated for a while. He personally went to many primitive jungles to search for rare herbs. In addition, the development of various new medicines took too much time...

  In the first year of Yoyo's birth, there was really little time with her daughter.

   But later he thought about making up, it was Youyou who didn't like him at all!

  As long as he is not there, Youyou is like an innocent and romantic little princess, who is happy to coax.

  As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere in the room would become very strange. No matter what he said, Youyou would only pouting his cheeks, but would not laugh.

  He was worried about making his baby unhappy, so he appeared less and less.

  Later, a mindset gradually formed. Youyou will be happy only when he is not there.

  Even he recognized this, so even if he wanted his daughter to be crazy, he would not stay with Youyou for too long.

  If it hadn’t been for Yu Xiuzun to tell him that Youyou wanted him to accompany him, he would never think in this direction.

  Is he really wrong?

  "You can not believe in me, but you have to believe in Youyou. She is your daughter. Does she really hate you as a dad? Can you really not feel it?"

  Bai Zheng turned around, leaned back against the window sill, and smiled slightly.

  "I asked her, if she grows up, she wants to be a good doctor like you. Guess how Youyou answered?"

   "...what did she say?" Fifth Chosen unconsciously held her breath, her body tensed.

  Waiting for an answer, like waiting for a sentence.

  Bai Zheng didn't mean to sully his appetite, and straightly raised his head, "She said she didn't want it."


  The unexpected answer, but inexplicably worried, as if the heart was stabbed by something, bleeding in an invisible place.

  Fifth Chosen’s eyes became dim, and the hand beside her clenched into a fist silently.

"Don't you want to know why she doesn't want to be like you?" Bai Zheng paused for three seconds, watching the lost Fifth Chosen, every word, "Youyou said that being a great doctor is too busy to be with you Her little baby, she doesn't want to be a badass like her father."

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