365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2481: He wants to see his daughter!

   "This is what Youyou said?"

  Fifth Xianxian's body shook, and the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze, and he was speechless and could only gasp for breath.

  "Xiao Meimei admires you very much. If I say something ill of you, she will turn my face with my father. In the past three years, what their mother and daughter owe you are counted as mine. I owe you a thank you."

  Bai was constricting her eyes, her calm eyes shone with a deep sense of light.

  He is not clear about other things for the time being, but let Fifth Choose anxian and his daughter to settle their suspicions, which can be regarded as paying off the love and care of Fifth Choosexian for Xiao Meimei in the past three years.

  "Your medicine is in the prescription. I told you that no one will stop you when you come back to get the medicine." Fifth chose to leave a sentence, and walked out, hurriedly, as if rushing to wherever he went.

  He can't wait for a moment, he wants to see his little princess!

Fifth Chosen walked to the door, his steps suddenly stopped, without looking back, "With your current body, if you don’t want to die, it’s best not to do anything with others, and let the pharmacy give you a dose of blood stasis removal. Take medicine internally, lest you die with me."

  After speaking, he strode out of the office.


  Private villa.

  The three little ones are lying on the carpet, their three little heads are together, not knowing what they are muttering.

   approached only to find out that a few little guys were playing checkers.

  "You can only take two steps. Why do you take one more step? This is shameless!" Xiaoyouyou stretched out his hand and moved back the chess piece that Jiang Nan had just moved and placed it in its original position.

"Hey, watch the game without talking, now I am playing with Tingye's brother, don't move!" Xiao Jiangnan finally took advantage of Tingye's carelessness and took one more step. Now he was reported to him, and Xiao Pang quickly protected him with his hands. The **** in front of him.

   "I'm not talking to you now, I just put your chess pieces back to the original place, you are a man, how can you be shameless?" Xiao Youyou bulged her cheeks, her big crystal eyes staring at Xiao Jiangnan in front of her.

  "You don’t hate Brother Tingye the most. Are you unhappy if I can beat him?"

   "Hate is hate, but you're wrong!" Xiao Youyou insisted on pressing Jiang Nan's hand, insisting that he return the chess piece.

  Stubborn temperament, just like Rui Wei.

   "Let him take two more steps and you still can't win." Ting Ye, who has not spoken, glanced lightly at the chessboard, then glanced at Youyou who was anxious for him, and reached out and held her little head.

   "Small, I can't tell. You have a sense of justice."


  Youyou patted his hand without thinking about it, and her delicate, matte face was raised slightly, "I'm not a young man, I'm just young, and I'm not helping you!"


  Ting fielder paused in the air, looking at her stubborn little face, her dark pupil flashed, without saying anything, hands up and down, and began to tidy up the shameless Xiao Jiangnan on the board.

   "You lost." Ting Ye placed the last chess piece on the end of the board, and raised his lips handsomely.

"Ah, it's the tenth game, why can't I win, brother Tingye, my young heart is hurt!" Xiao Jiangnan started rolling on the carpet while holding the chess pieces, and was just about to prepare to meet Youyou's contemptuous eyes. Turning on Chuchu's pitiful sympathy mode, I caught a glimpse of the figure walking in from the outside, his narrow peach blossom eyes narrowed, and he got up.

   "Youyou, look at it, it looks like your father is here!"

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