The bits and pieces that he missed are all recorded by the camera, and are presented to him in a unique way.

  The inexplicable throbbing, flowing in the blood, made his body tremble uncontrollably, and clenched his fists hard to restrain his emotions.

   "Mr. Bai, his subordinates are out to help."

  The assistant looked at Bai Zheng with a somewhat tolerant expression, and took the initiative to walk to the door, leaving the space belonging to a family of three to Bai Zheng.

  Bai stood in front of the photos for a long time, and looked at each photo carefully. Looking at the photos in front of him, he seemed to be able to feel that Ye Mingmei was waiting for him to come back when he arranged this photo wall.

  Wait for him to come and see their daughter...

  Bai Zheng walked into the bedroom, looked at the warmly decorated room, walked forward, sat on the bed, touched the pillow, there was no temperature on it, but he still smelled Ye Mingmei's breath.

This is the home he settled for his family of three. He once thought that maybe Ye Mingmei would never have the opportunity to live here. He didn't expect that after three years, she guarded the empty house he left, but left him a home. .

  A home dedicated to them, symbolizing a new home.

  Bai Zheng walked through every room. Ye Mingmei didn't change his original layout too much, but made the room more warm, and traces of their mother and daughter's lives can be seen everywhere.

  "Mr. Bai, it's getting late, we can't stay too long, so that no one will find it." The assistant couldn't wait for Bai Zheng for a long time, and finally couldn't help but enter the house to remind.

  Bai Zheng raised his head and glanced at the time, knowing that he could not stay for a long time, otherwise it would bring danger to their mother and daughter, and decisively stepped back to the bedroom, reaching out and groping on the wall next to the bed.

   Suddenly on a raised area, I pressed it with my thumb, corresponding to the position of the fingerprint lock, and pressed it firmly.


  After a clear voice, a small built-in password box suddenly appeared on the wall. Bai Zheng effortlessly took out a bunch of keys from the password box.

  Closed the password box again and cleared the traces of his visit before leaving the apartment.

  Out of the community, he sat in the car, Bai Zheng was not paying attention to the keys in his hand, and his mind was full of the scenes he had just seen in the apartment.

  In the past three years, he has missed the lives of their mothers and daughters, and only here can he vaguely feel a little bit of their lives, their waiting.

  Bai Zheng gathered his eyes and handed the key to the assistant in the driver's seat, "Go to Yu's ancestral hall and take out the contents. Do you know what to do?"

   "Yes, my subordinates understand."

  The assistant took the key, and started the car and left without saying a word.


  Private villa.

  Fifth Xianxian was blocked again.

  "Youyou, open the door to dad, and dad teaches you how to use the whip." The fifth selected Xian's voice softly, softly coaxing his brain and rushing back to the room, Xiao Youyou refused to come out.

   "I don't want it, I want to wait for my mother to come back." Youyou's muffled voice came from the room, as if covering himself in a bed.

   "Don't you like whips the most? Dad can teach you a lot, so you don't have to worry about not defeating your Tingye brother." Fifth Zexian's stalwart body was attached to the door panel.

  In order to coax his little princess to open the door, he betrayed Xiao Tingye without hesitation.

  "Youyou, you open the door first, and Dad will promise you whatever you want when you open the door."

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