He coaxed for most of the day, and finally saw a little admiration for him in the eyes of his little princess. Before he could magnify such admiration, he disappeared in an instant.

  He still hasn't reacted yet. Did he just say something wrong or did something wrong? How did the little girl change her face?

  "Master Zixian, the guest room has spare keys, do I need to get it for you?" The butler stood behind Fifth Zexian, and when he saw him being blocked out of the door repeatedly, he asked respectfully.

  Fifth Xianxian looked at the closed door, remembered the stubborn little girl, and sighed silently, "No need."

  His little princess didn't want to see him, so he just waited.

  Youyou waited for him. This dad has waited for so long for his awakening, so he waits for his beloved baby.

   "Where is Ruihua?"

  "The Adolf's business in Washington had a problem. Miss Rui Wei rushed to deal with it early this morning, and she has not returned yet." The butler explained in a hurry.

  After listening to the fifth Xianxian, he was silent for a few seconds and knocked on the door again, “Youyou, mom will not be back now, but my dad is going to see her. Would you like to come and help with me?”

  The room was quiet for a few seconds, as if hesitating. After a while, I heard footsteps approaching the door.

  The door of the room opened, revealing Youyou's small head, her small body was still hiding behind the door, and her pink cheeks were flushed, as if she was shy.

   "Can you take me to find mom?"

"of course can!"

  Fifth Chosen Xian agreed without saying anything, reached out his hand to hug Xiao Youyou, and kissed her little face, "Dad will accompany you and your mother in the future."

  "Have you been with me all the time?" Xiao Youyou's big eyes were startled, and he blinked innocently, and asked curiously.

  Bad dad always said that he would accompany her and mom, but every time he finished talking, he would go to work. Fairy tales are all deceptive, and the nose of the liar hasn’t gotten longer.

   "Yes, as long as Youyou likes his father to be with you, his father will always be with you." Fifth chooses leisurely to agree, for fear that the little princess will drive him away again.

  He was born in the royal family since he was a child, and grew up in the royal family. He is used to intrigue and intrigue. Between brothers and sisters, there is no family feud and calculation. The only person who loves him is his mother.

  After leaving Sweden, he made up his mind to stay away from there. He was at ease and indulged all his life.

  If Rui Wei is his nemesis, if you make a mistake for life, you will be an upgraded nemesis. When the little girl pouted, he was afraid that she would be unhappy. When he frowned, he was worried that he would dislike her again...

  The first genius doctor who is highly respected everywhere he went, was completely planted in the hands of two women!

  But these two women are now on the same front, completely disgusting him!

"Youyou, believe in Dad, Dad loves you very much, and always loves you very much." Fifth Chosen looked into the eyes of the baby girl and apologized sincerely, "Before it was Dad who was wrong, but in the future, Dad will change. Can you not hate Dad? "

   Xiao Youyou's body stiffened, and her small face was full of shocked expressions, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

  Little finger cut out his ears exaggeratedly, and stared at Fifth Chosen with wide eyes.

   After confirming that she did not hear her wrong, she raised her chin very coolly.

   "Then I will consider whether to forgive you after you change it!"


  It seems that he wants to make the little princess change her mind, and the road ahead is long!

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