365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2500: Like the handwriting of Fifth Chosen

  If it was Shan Hanjie’s person, it would not be difficult to explain why Ye Zhanxing would suddenly pick up Xiao Meimei, and also told Ye Mingmei that he was not peaceful recently.

  The Shan family and Ye family are now on the same front because of Qin Youxuan's relationship.

  What Shan Hanjie wants to do, he will definitely notify Ye Zhanxing in advance to prevent the Ye family from being implicated.

  It’s just that he didn’t understand, how could Shan Hanjie suddenly let people go to Yu’s ancestral hall?

  He did this, as if to help him...

   "Master, I heard that the fifth genius doctor has arrived in Washington and now lives in a private villa. Will it be related to this matter?"

   "It's like the handwriting of the fifth choice."

  Bai Zheng's eyes flickered, his handsome face condensed slightly, he stepped forward, sat in the car, held the steering wheel with one hand, and recalled the whole thing.

"Proceed according to the original plan. In addition, let people keep an eye on Yu's family, don't let them do anything extreme. Send someone to tell the others in Yu's family that they are wronged and indebted. They will be implicated."

  "Do you need to contact the fifth genius doctor to ask?" the assistant asked worriedly.

   "No, if it is the fifth choice, he will let me know sooner or later." Bai Zheng faintly opened his lips.

  If it is not, he rashly asks, it will reveal his next plan.

  It’s just that in a short period of time, it’s difficult for him to see Xiao Meimei again, and I don’t know if the little girl will miss him...


   Ye Family Villa.

  Ye Mingmei pushed the car door and walked quickly into the villa after getting out of the car.

   Seeing Xiao Meimei playing puzzles on the sofa in the living room, her hanging heart finally fell back to her chest.

   "Mom!" As soon as Xiao Meimei saw her, she immediately put down the puzzle in her hand, got up from the sofa and ran towards her.

   Ye Mingmei bent down and hugged her, "Where is Grandpa?"

  "Practice calligraphy in the study, and let her mother go up to him." Xiao Meimei pointed her little finger in the direction of the stairs, and there was a sweet smile on her delicate little face, she could not see anything wrong.

   Ye Mingmei sighed slightly, put her back on the sofa, and stepped upstairs.

  Walking to Ye Zhanxing’s study, just about to reach out and knock on the door, the door suddenly opened from inside.

  "Miss, President Ye is waiting for you inside, I'll go out first." The butler saw Ye Mingmei standing by the door, leaning respectfully, and then left the study.

  Ye Mingmei raised her head and looked in. The huge study room is very cold, the white decoration is simple and capable, and there is no warmth. Walking here, there is always an indescribable sense of tension.

  In addition, she knew that Ye Zhanxing must have been looking for her because of an accident, and she was even more confused in her heart.

  In front of the desk, Ye Zhanxing seemed to have not noticed that Ye Mingmei had come in at all. He was still writing the calligraphy slowly, and lashing out at Fang Qiu.

   "The heart is quiet, everything is quiet."

   Ye Mingmei unconsciously read the words of Ye Zhanxing.

  The words fell, she seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and the whole person calmed down.


   Ye Zhanxing put down the brush, took the handkerchief next to her and wiped her hands, raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Mingmei, with a loving light in her eyes.

   "Dad, why did you suddenly ask Xiao Meimei to pick me up without telling me, so that I ran for nothing, and I was shocked. What happened?"

   Ye Mingmei walked to Ye Zhanxing's side, stretched out her hand to take his arm, and spoke dissatisfiedly.

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