"This is what your sister meant, not only Xiao Meimei, but also you. At this time, don't run around anywhere except the company. I thought about it, Xiao Meimei should send it to her private villa and let her go with Tingye. It’s safer to dismiss classes."

   Ye Zhanxing patted the back of Ye Mingmei's hand.

   Ye Mingmei was stunned at once, looking at Ye Zhanxing in surprise.

  With the forces of the two single leaves, she couldn't think of anything else that would make Shan Hanjie and Ye Zhanxing be jealous, and even ask her to withhold foot to ensure safety.

  The only possibility is...

   "Dad, is it news of Yu Xiuzun? He is not dead, right? You tell me where he is?!"

  Ye Mingmei firmly grasped Ye Zhanxing's arm with both hands, the back of her hand was blue veins, and when the excited words were uttered, her eyes were instantly red.

"It's related to the Yu family, but it's not Yu Xiuzhun. It is the current owner of the Yu family who was arrested. It is still uncertain who did this. But listening to your sister's opinion, not only the family is involved, but also the first Wu Zexian also participated. The relationship between you and Xiao Meimei and Yu's family is not an airtight secret, so it is better to be cautious for the sake of safety."

   Ye Zhanxing's old eyes flickered, and he gave a few thousand jin explanations.

  I caught a glimpse of Ye Mingmei's lonely look for a moment, opened her mouth, and finally didn't say anything.

   "I told your sister, she will send someone to pick up Xiao Meimei in a while, and you will pack her luggage for Xiao Meimei."

   "Don't bother, I'll send it by myself." Ye Mingmei's eyes were gloomy, and she agreed, then turned and left Ye Zhanxing's study.

  Walking to the top of the stairs, tears fell.

  Hope again and again, in the end all turned into nothingness.

  In the past few years, this kind of news has not appeared rarely, she thought she was numb.

   But the appearance of Bai Zheng made Yu Xiuzhun’s face appear in her dreams again and again, and she felt that she could not bear it more and more...

   Ye Mingmei resisted the discomfort, and when he walked to the living room, he wiped away the tears first, and barely pulled out a smile, ready to take Xiao Meimei back to the room to pack things.


   Seeing the person standing in the living room, Ye Mingmei's body became stiff.

  Jin Chenye wears a white suit. The close-fitting tailoring sets off his perfect body. He is extraordinarily handsome. White is the color especially suitable for him. The son of Qianqian is gentle and moist.

  There is no need to do more at all. He just stands there, and the calmness on his body will make people's eyes stop unconsciously.

  "What are you trying to do? I'm here to pick up Xiao Meimei, and quickly collect the luggage. I will send Xiao Meimei to the private villa. If you are not worried, you can follow along."

  Jin Chenye turned around, Ye Mingmei only noticed that the little girl who was still playing with puzzles did not know when she had rubbed him in his arms, she was happily holding his neck and whispering.

  "Uncle Jin, does Tingye know that I am going to find him?"

   "I know, not only Tingye, but Jiang Nan and Youyou are also waiting for you. You four little monsters get together. It is estimated that the private villa has been lively during this time."

  Jin Chenye rubbed her little head dozingly, jokingly.

Xiao Meimei blinked her big crystal eyes ignorantly, tilted her small head, and pouted, "I am not a little devil, I am the best, nor is Tingye brother. He is smart or smart. Sister Youyou is very cute. She is the youngest, and her mother said to take care of her little sister..."

  Xiao Meimei counted her fingers for a while, and finally only Xiao Jiangnan was left.

   Beautiful as a star's big eyes narrowed, "Brother Jiang Nan is not a little demon, he is a big demon! He always pulls my braids!"

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