365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2502: Inherited the excellent genes of my parents

   "He likes to pull your pigtail very much?" Jin Chenye was startled, unexpectedly lowered his head to look at the little girl in his arms, and raised his eyebrows.

"It's not just pulling pigtails, but he always kisses me secretly. Every time I kissed me while I was asleep, I slobbered on my face. I scolded him and accused him of my drooling in sleep. I hate him the most. !"

  Xiao Meimei said indignantly, her pink cheeks turned red because of her anger.

   "Then what else did Jiang Nan do besides pulling your pigtails and stealing kisses?" Jin Chenye's eyes flashed, "hasn't your brother Jiang Nan ever done anything that makes you happy?"

"...It seems to be too." Xiao Meimei thought about it carefully, tilting her head, breaking her fingers, "Brother Jiang Nan will prepare chocolates for me and bring me nice jigsaw puzzles. I can't do homework if I sleep in class, and he still Will secretly help me with my homework."

  Xiaomei counted, her big eyes lit up, "Brother Jiang Nan doesn't seem to be particularly annoying, just a little bit annoying."

   "Then think again, what good things your brother Jiang Nan has done? Maybe if you think about it, he won't hate it." Jin Chenye couldn't help looking at the tangled little girl in his arms and reminded him softly.

  He could see that Xiao Jiangnan seemed to like Xiao Meimei from the time she was born, she always followed Xiao Meimei's buttocks, and took care of her silently.

  However, his method is not as clever as Tingye. He is a kind of person who does good deeds and will be disgusted by others. After such a calculation, it is indeed a loss.

On the contrary, Tingye, who is usually silent, always has a handsome face, but it makes Xiao Meimei unable to rely on it. Looking at it this way, even Jin Chenye can’t see through it. After these little ones grow up, how will they be? What will become.

  There is also the quirky little Youyou, this little evildoer who came from behind and quickly occupied a place as soon as he appeared on the stage.

  Inherited the excellent genes of the parents, all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps. It is really noisy, and it is probably choking.

  Just thinking about such a scene, Jin Chenye feels a headache.

   "Everything is packed, let me take Xiao Meimei over with you." Ye Mingmei walked out of the room with the suitcase and looked at Jin Chenye.

  She was reluctant to send her daughter away, but Ye Zhanxing had already made it very clear that this was for the safety of Xiao Meimei.

   "If you can't bear it, you don't have to follow. Xiao Meimei just stayed in a private villa for a few days and won't leave you for too long. Besides, with Tingye and the others, Xiao Meimei will not be bored."

  Jin Chenye stepped forward, took the suitcase from Ye Mingmei's hand, and walked out holding Xiao Meimei.

  Ye Mingmei stood there, just looking at the back of them leaving, did not follow.

  Following Jin Chenye, Xiao Meimei was as clever as she always did. She only knew she was going to a private villa, so she sat in the car obediently without crying or making trouble.

"I'll take you here, you follow the housekeeper, and your brother Tingye is waiting for you inside." Jin Chenye took Xiao Meimei out of the car and looked at the luxurious and magnificent private villa in front of him. Meimei asked.

  He lives here with people he wants to meet but are not suitable to meet. If it weren't for Qin Youxuan to speak, he would not send Xiao Meimei over.

  Just sent here, it took his whole body's strength, and he didn't have the courage to take a step forward.

  "Goodbye, uncle!"

  Xiao Meimei looked at Jin Chenye who was about to leave, blinked with her beautiful big eyes, and waved her small hand at him.

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