365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2536: Come out and recognize the enemy's face!

  Qin Youxuan paused, and couldn't help asking, "How are you going to clean up Garo Carl? Can you let me take a look at him first?"

   "No." Shan Hanjie's evil eyes narrowed, and coldly refused.

Qin Youxuan grabbed his arm and acted like a baby. "Don't be so stingy. I will just take a look. Just one look. I guess Ruiwei and Mingmei will want to see it too soon, so mysterious. Characters, you can’t help letting us have an eye addiction...No, it’s the face that makes us recognize our enemies!"


  Qin Youxuan was about to grind to the end, when she heard a familiar voice in her ear, turning her head, she saw Da Bai walking into the living room holding Tingye and Xiao Meimei.

   With a bitter look in his eyes, he stared directly at Qin Youxuan holding Shan Hanjie’s arm, as if he had been abandoned.

  Qin Youxuan instantly released her hand and strode towards them.

   "It's okay, let auntie take a look." Qin Youxuan hugged Xiao Meimei, checked it carefully, and took her into her arms until she was sure that she was okay.

   "Where is Xiaoyouyou? Why did you bring only Xiaomeimei back?"

   "Little Budian is with her badass uncle." Tingye's dark pupil flickered slightly, and his small body turned to Shan Hanjie, and briefly said what had just happened.

   "Prince Kaluo wants to take Youyou back to Sweden, but the fifth uncle disagrees. Youyou tricked him back."

   "Galuo and Youyou? What's the matter?" Qin Youxuan stared in surprise.

  If she remembers correctly, Youyou has never been in contact with anyone from the Swedish royal family, so why suddenly he has something to do with Galo, and Galo has to take her back to Sweden.

   "I don't know, the little bit of badass uncle seems to like her very much, and has been robbing the fifth uncle. I saw that she would not be in danger, so I came back with Xiao Meimei."

   Tingye’s handsome face raised slightly, "Jiang Nan stays in the car, he should come back with Xiao Budian."

   "Then what about your Aunt Mingmei? Didn't she go with your Uncle Bai to save people?" Qin Youxuan glanced behind her, but she frowned when she saw Ye Mingmei's return.

   "She is with Uncle Bai, Uncle Bai should know that I'm back with Xiao Meimei first." Ting Ye responded indifferently.

  He only thought that Xiao Meimei was in danger, and rushed to take her out of the villa, completely forgetting Ye Mingmei who was waiting outside!

   "Jie Shao, Master Xian, they are back." The butler hurriedly walked in from the outside and replied respectfully.

Qin Youxuan was startled, and quickly put Xiao Meimei down, "Tingye, you take Xiao Meimei back to the room to sleep, and your aunt Mingmei will go in to accompany you later, don't run out if you hear anything outside, understand? "

"it is good."

  Ting Ye's sly black eyes flashed, and he stepped forward, holding Xiao Meimei's hand and walking into the room.

   "Brother Tingye, I'm worried about my little sister, will she come in and sleep with us?" Xiao Meimei walked to the door, watching Xiao Youyou who hadn't appeared for a long time, and suddenly stopped.

  Small face is full of worry.

   "Your brother Jiang Nan will protect her, and he will come to us later, and Aunt Mingmei will also come." Tingye knelt down and turned his back to Xiao Meimei.

   "Brother is carrying you, you will not be afraid if you lean on me."

  Xiao Meimei was startled, she lay on Tingye's back, her small arms tightly around his neck.

  "Brother Tingye, will my father come with me too?"

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