365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2537: Two men fighting in secret

   "Well, wake up, everyone will be with you."

  Ting Ye steadily carried Xiao Meimei who was insecure, and walked steadily towards the room.


  In the living room, a solemn atmosphere spreads silently.

Shan Hanjie pulled Qin Youxuan, who was unwilling to go back to the room, and sat on the sofa, with her slender legs folded carelessly, clasping her hand with one hand, and slightly supporting her head with the other hand, leaning into the private room. Carlo Carr of the villa.

  Qin Youxuan saw the person in front of him clearly, and subconsciously wanted to stand up, but Shan Hanjie held her hand tightly, unable to move at all, and looked at him suspiciously.

  "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move." Shan Hanjie's thin lips moved, and he uttered a few words silently.


  Qin Youxuan swallowed her saliva, unable to guess which trick he was playing, and sat back obediently.

   "Sister, where is Xiao Meimei?"

  As soon as Jia Luo walked into the living room with Xiao Youyou in his arms, Ye Mingmei walked in with Bai Zheng at the same time, looked around without seeing Xiao Meimei, and asked nervously.

   "Xiao Meimei is okay, she has followed Ting Ye back to her room to sleep, if you don't feel relieved, go in and have a look." Qin Youxuan softly comforted.

  Looking at Bai Zheng who was about to go back to the room with her, he stretched his arm and stopped the person.

   "Mr. Bai, thank you very much for your help today, but it's late now, Mingmei's room, I'm afraid you are not suitable to go in."


  Bai's eyes tightened, looking at Qin Youxuan who was defensive against him, her hand on his side tightened slightly.

   Glancing at Jia Luo, who was ambitious, and Xiao Youyou who was still in Jia Luo's hands, restrained his temper and put the overall situation first.

   Watching Ye Mingmei disappear into the stairs, her stalwart body sat back on the sofa.

   "Where is Rui Hua?" Fifth Chosen stepped forward, glanced at Rui Hua who hadn't appeared for a long time, and raised his eyebrows.

   "She is worried that Garo Carr will play tricks behind her back, and Yuyou will be in danger, and she has gone to the contact station of Adolf's house to gather people."

  Qin Youxuan lowered her voice and reminded her with a voice that could only be heard by two people.

  To deal with unfamiliar enemies like Galo Carl, all they can do is to prepare more, just in case!

  Involving more of one party's power, Galo will have an extra layer of scruples. After all, the prince who gains power is only a prince. Before ascending to the throne, everything is full of variables.

   "Uncle Jie!"

  Youyou clamored to get out of Jia Luo's arms as soon as he saw Shan Hanjie, but Jia Luo kept holding her without letting go, and the little girl was pouting unhappy.

   "Bad bad uncle, you let me go first, I'm going to find my uncle Jie, and I will play with you later!"

  "It's also the first time I saw your uncle Jie, who was rumored to be. You just ran away, don't you introduce him to him?"

  Galuo Carl took a steady step, and walked forward with ease holding Xiao Youyou, walked in front of Shan Hanjie, and sat down on the sofa opposite him.

  The yin bird's eyes were slightly constricted, and he raised his head to look at Shan Hanjie.

  Four eyes were facing each other, neither of them spoke, but looked at each other quietly, a strong smell of gunpowder burst out of the air.

The people next to    seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only the two men fighting in the dark.

   "Are you Shan Hanjie?"

  For a long time, just when everyone thought they would keep watching, Galo Carr suddenly spoke.

  A word that knowingly asked, instantly broke the solidified air in the living room.

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