She raised her head to look at Bai Zheng, and found that the man was staring at her with a pair of wolf-like evil eyes, a heart-palpitating light flashed in his eyes, and he obviously heard what Xiao Meimei said.

  His handsome face approached her nose slightly, exhaling like a charm, "Wife, you have also heard, our little princess wants younger brothers and sisters, there are still a lot of them."

  He will not lack the reason to work hard in the future!

very many……

  She is not a sow!

  Ye Mingmei looked at his angry and resentful face bitterly, and was dragged into the room before he could complain.


  The sound of closing doors is full of eagerness!

   "Miss, do you want to eat ice cream? The subordinate will take you to buy it." The assistant leaned over and asked Xiao Meimei who was still standing in the living room.

  This grown-up patronizes you and I am, and the little princess always has to be taken care of.

  As soon as the assistant's voice fell, Xiao Meimei raised her head with a smile, "You want to disengage me, I understand" looking at the assistant, and her mouth pursed.

   "I won't go out, my father and mother are working hard to give birth to my little brothers and sisters. I want to stay at home and supervise them!"

  Xiao Meimei sat down on the sofa, blinked her big beautiful eyes, and stretched out her hand towards the assistant, "Uncle, can I borrow your phone for a while?"

  Not only does she have a father, but she is about to have younger siblings. She wants to tell Tingye the good news!

  Where did the assistant know her exquisite heart, this is when a child is boring, and wants to play with her mobile phone, without thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and handed it to her.

   "Thank you Uncle!"

  Xiao Meimei got her mobile phone and immediately happily nestled in the corner of the sofa, happily calling her male **** to chat.


  Private villa.

  Ting Ye’s tall and tall small body stood in front of the French windows in the living room, holding a mobile phone in one hand, and drawing symbols that no one could understand on the glass, as if thinking about something.

   quietly listening to the voice coming from the other end of the phone, for a long time, it was not until Xiao Meimei was tired that he spoke indulgingly.

"I have read in the book that it takes eight to ten months to be pregnant. Your mother has a baby today. It will take a long time for you to see your younger siblings. You have enough time to learn how to be a good elder sister. Don't be nervous."

He retracted his hand on the glass, wrote a string of numbers on the note next to him, and turned his head to look at Yao who was waiting next to him, "This is the answer that Dad wants. You can give him the answer for me. Tell him by the way, I still A child, let him solve the group's affairs by himself, otherwise I will sue him for child abuse."

  Simply and neatly left a sentence, turned around, walked to the sofa with her mobile phone, and chatted with Xiao Meimei intently.

   When he hung up the phone, Xiaojun's face was tense, he bit his lip, walked upstairs, walked to the master bedroom, and knocked on the door.



  The door opened from the inside, and the person who came out from the inside was not Qin Youxuan, but a dark-faced Shan Hanjie.

   "Your mother is still asleep, go and play by yourself!"


   Ting Ye's small head stretched out, and he glanced at the messy room, and knew that his mother could not afford to be tired again.

  Swarthy big eyes glanced at Shan Hanjie, two handsome faces that are exactly the same, their expressions are surprisingly consistent and smelly!

"I will not be as boring as you. I will only abuse my mother. I'm here to tell you that Aunt Mingmei is going to marry Xiao Meimei's father. Grandpa and grandma shouldn't know about this. You can do it yourself. ."

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