After Ting Ye finished speaking, Ting Ye turned around proudly and prepared to leave.

   "..."! ! !

  How did he become abusive when he was affectionate with his wife?

  Shan Hanjie grinded his teeth. Just as he was about to clean him, he found that the little guy had already pulled out his legs alertly and was afraid.

Yao, who had been guarding the door, saw Shan Hanjie coming out, and hurried forward to reply, "Jie Shao, it took less than a day for the young master to read the entire cooperation case and even calculated the operating costs. The subordinate checked it just now, it was completely correct, and..."

   "And what? The gunman he hired?" Shan Hanjie frowned and snorted displeasedly.

  Smelly boy, if he is so careless about what he explained, he knows to add trouble to him!

   "No, Young Master doesn't use a calculator, he uses mental arithmetic." After Yao finished speaking, his eyes immediately became admired!

  13-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! The five-year-old kid actually figured it out with his own mind. His young master is simply a genius!

  "You said he didn't use a calculator?" Shan Hanjie was startled slightly, his eyes darkened.

   "Yes, the subordinates have been around Young Master the whole time and have not left. I am sure that he has not used a calculator before. It is all calculated by himself, and the speed is very fast!"

  Yao thinks about the scenes he saw before, and his face can't hide the excitement.

  I was worried about letting Ting Ye see it just now, but was stunned, and almost never suffered internal injuries!

  "Bring him all the cooperation cases this month, I want to listen to his opinions." Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed through, and he said nothing.

  In this way, in a few years, the group will have nothing to do with him. He can accompany his wife at home every day. Otherwise, the couple can go on a walk-and-go trip, just to make up for the regret of not having a good honeymoon in the past...

  Shan Hanjie was thinking about it in his heart, but seeing Yao's entangled face, he struggled for a while before speaking weakly.

   "Jie Shao, the young master said, this is the last time he will help you with work, saying that he is only five years old and a child. If you force him to work, he will sue you for child abuse..."

  Yao hadn’t finished speaking, so he bowed his head hurriedly, took a step back, and didn’t dare to look at Shan Hanjie’s darkened face!

   "Am I child abuse?"

  Smelly boy! He has never done a good thing except to add to him. Why doesn't he think about who is making money to support his family, so that he has no worries about food and clothing?

  He is five years old, and let him work to support him, why is it child abuse?

  If such a good talent is not used, it is a waste!

  "Tell the housekeeper that starting from this month, the young master's card has been locked. If he wants to buy toys and snacks, let him earn on his own ability!" He still doesn't believe it, he can't cure this stinky boy.

   Shan Hanjie's mouth sneered, and the coquettish Zitong flashed and looked towards Yao.

"Check where Yu Xiuzun is now. I heard that he is going to get married. Such a good thing can't be justified without a gift. So I called him to Ye's house and told Ye's second elder that there was a **** who was going to sneak away. Their baby girl, you don’t have to charge him the phone bill."

  Shan Hanjie finished speaking, turned around and closed the door, and went to sleep with his wife in his arms.

  Leaving a stunned Yao, looking at the closed door, he couldn't help but stick out his thumb, speechless.

   "Jie Shao, you are too cruel!"

  If someone gets married, you can make up for it!

  "Who is going to get married?"

  In the room, Qin Youxuan looked sleepy, got out of the bed, her cat's eyes narrowed, and looked at Shan Hanjie who walked in front of her.

   "Your son, I'm thinking of deciding a baby kiss for him, so that he understands the importance of making money to support his family!"

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