365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2598: There is only one person I want to meet

"Guess, didn't you give me all the hints? Let me just say that it's meaningless." U-USB crossed his legs, leaned freely on the sofa, supported his small head with one hand, and happily ate the apple, regardless of the two. The black-faced boy.

  Tips? What hint?

  Shan Tingye and Jiang Nan looked at each other, both of them had doubts. When did she give any hints?

   "I am not the heir of the genius medical laboratory, am I the biggest reminder?" Youyou smiled as if seeing their doubts.

What    said made Jiang Nan jump in an instant.

   "I said grandma, can you be more reliable, besides you, there are six billion people left in the world, can you narrow the scope a little bit?"

  According to her suggestion method, they can't even think of death even if they think of death!

Compared with Jiang Nan's excitement, Shan Tingye appeared calmer. Hearing Youyou's words, his deep black eyes flickered slightly and suddenly became silent.

  In addition to Youyou, there are indeed a lot of people, but there is only one person they want to meet that can be recognized by Fifth Chosen!

  Is she back?

  His eyes became deep in an instant, and the hand beside him slightly clenched into a fist, accidentally revealing his excitement.

"My tips can only go to here, because to be honest, I don't know who the heir of the genius medical laboratory is, it's not me anyway!" Youyou threw the finished apple core into the trash can and happily clapped his hands. Stand up from the sofa.

   "It's getting late, I'm going to the private villa to see Uncle Jie and Auntie, do you want to be together?"

  It’s been a long time since she saw her male god. It’s been a long time since Uncle Jie went to see her in Sweden...

  "My parents are not in the villa, they have returned to China." Shan Tingye opened his lips suddenly, looked at her with awe-inspiring eyes, and narrowed his eyes, and a light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

   "You didn't come back and post me a battle post. Would you like to try it out?"

  "Are you really willing to compare with me?" Youyou's beautiful eyes lit up! Excitedly turned his head to look at Shan Tingye.

   "I can compare with you, but you have to promise me that if I win, you have to answer my question honestly." Shan Tingye opened his lips indifferently.

   "Deal!" Youyou agreed without thinking.

  She has waited for this opportunity for a long time. For this day, she has never been lazy in fifteen years. Watching him shine in international competitions, if it were not for her royal status, she would have followed!

  "Wait a minute, since we are going to compete, do we get GW to go?" No one saw it. What if he loses and doesn't admit it?

   "I'll talk until you can win." Shan Tingye raised his eyebrows faintly, as if he hadn't put her provocation in his eyes at all, and looked at Jiang Nan, "You come to be a witness."


  This kind of lively activity is not too big, he likes it the most!

   Jiang Nan is gearing up, feeling excited as if he is about to play.

   stepped forward and began to play around with the computer, preparing for the quick calculation problems they would use for a while, but he just touched the mouse when he heard Youyou's clear voice.

   "Let's go to the open space downstairs. It's too small, I'm afraid I can't use it."


  Good deed, my little princess Youyou, you have to make quick calculations, do you think it is better to fight? Such a big office of the president, even if a hundred more spectators can stand, is it not big enough?

  Jiang Nan was instantly stunned.

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