365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2599: How long will he have to wait?

   "You see what I do with this kind of eyes, who told you that I have to do a quick calculation, I have to fight with you!" Youyou raised her face and said solemnly.

  She is not stupid. Shan Tingye’s quick calculations are so powerful. She has been a world champion for three consecutive times and broke the world record. She tried several times in his competition at the time, but she never surpassed his speed!

  Compared with him for quick calculations. She is not looking for abuse when she is full. She wants to compete. Of course, she is more proud of her skills.

  "Fight?" Jiang Nan's mouth instantly turned into an O shape!

  When a girl says such things, can she not use such a proud look? Make him think that his eyes are dazzled!

   "It's better than fighting. Why did you say you want to challenge the world champion in your class?" Shan Tingye is a quick calculation world champion, not a fighting world champion.

  How could family heirs like them fight casually.

   "Let's talk ruthlessly, and you don't have to pay, even if you have heard it as a joke!" Youyou shrugged, smiling like a little fox.

   Jiang Nan: "..."

It is not funny! ! !

   "Do you dare to compare with me? If you dare not, I will leave..."

   "Don't fall back on the bill if you lose." Shan Ting's wild eyes flashed slightly, and he took the lead to walk to the door.

  If you want to ask Youyou’s mouth, you must convince her to lose.

   "Don't cry if you lose!"

  Youyou slow as soon as he stepped into the elevator, he choked back courageously.

  She doesn’t believe it. He either participates in competitions at school or handles cooperation cases in the office, and he will have the opportunity to exercise.

  She asked the villain uncle to hire Sweden’s most powerful martial arts coach for her, and let him taste her power today!

  The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny.

  In the end, Youyou could only stare straight, looking at the man who snatched her whip in less than three minutes, with a look of disbelief.

  His movements are so fast that she can't even see them clearly!

"you lose!"

  Shan Tingye looked at Youyou who was stunned, rolled up the whip in his hand, and threw it back to her.

   did not continue to beat her, but asked her own questions.

   "Tell me what you know about the genius laboratory and the prescription."

   "How do you know that I know?"

Youyou was startled and pursed her mouth, "I first declare that I really don't know who the heir of the genius medical laboratory is, but my badass dad doesn't think I'm suitable, so he doesn't bother to work on me, I just know The heir he chose is a girl, and one week later, he will represent the genius medical laboratory at the new drug release conference of the Shan Group."

  Youyou simply finished speaking, and reluctantly took her whip, still can’t believe that she was defeated in less than three minutes!

   "Don't be proud, this time I underestimate the enemy, I will definitely look for you again!"


  Shan Tingye looked at her angrily back and frowned. He was anxious to find out the news. He won too fast, as if he hurt Xiaojiao’s self-esteem?

  "Youyou, don't be sad. Brother Jiang Nan brought you chocolate, and he was happy after eating it!" As soon as Jiang Nan realized that the situation was not right, he immediately chased him up.

  Shan Tingye stood there, with no joy of victory on his handsome face, his black eyes constricted, and he turned back to the office.

   stepped up to the bookshelf, opened the safe hidden behind the bookshelf, looked at the delicate and neat wooden carvings inside, his eyes dimmed slightly.

   "How long will you keep me waiting?"

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